Digital Adaptive Organization

What does it take to stay relevant? The Digital world should be adopted, changes embraced and the entire Organization ADAPTIVE


The world around us is changing rapidly and so is the business. Organisations that want to survive and thrive in this increasingly complex environment should use relevant digital tools and automated processes. You and your people have to learn to operate with a new mindset and new leadership skills. It is not about today, or tomorrow. It is about adapting in order to stay relevant at any imaginable point in time.

What are the challenges in achieving Digital Adaptive Organization?

Let‘s assume you, as a company, want to be digital. The question is always the same – HOW. How to make the organisation more effective and embrace technological changes? It is not just about tools or delivering projects related to appropriate technologies. It is also about achieving tangible change in people’s mindsets and embedding adaptive leadership. We are bringing all this together in one concept.

Digital Adaptive Organisation is ready for any challenge, and is flexible, innovative and with clear purpose. It is an organisation that has motivated employees capable of making their own decisions. It is supported by a comprehensive digital strategy and implemented smart digital tools.

Olga Cilečková
PwC, partner

PwC & ATAIRU partnership

In order to bring you innovative world class services we joined forces – PwC, experienced in supporting companies on the digital journey and ongoing digital upskilling, and ATAIRU, one of the top 10 leadership education brands in Europe with original know-how in Adaptivity. We merged our concepts to co-create a unique approach to guide you towards your Digital Adaptive Organization.


Digital Adaptive Organization concept

Pillars of Digital Adaptive Organization by PwC

Strategy and Vision
Having clear (and ideally a market-differentiated vision (where to go) and strategy (how to get there) at the organisational level is the first cornerstone for success.

Culture and Leadership
The entire organisation, from leaders, through work force to an associate, simply everybody should support the digital change. This is a complex pillar with a mix of mindset and digital elements.

Governance and Structure
Staying relevant requires working with group units as well – organisational structure and the flow within the company, managerial competencies and so on should support the vision. Compliance and regulatory requirements are of the utmost importance for every respected company.

Process and Information
This pillar focuses on simplicity and effectivity in your regular tasks. It wants to minimise waste and move the saved resources to value-generating work.

Technology and Innovations
This pillar comes down to earth – what technology to use, which innovation to exploit and implement and where in your organisation.

Organisational tensions by ATAIRU

Profit – purpose

While decisions in adaptive organisations have to be economically sound, developing a shared purpose will increase commitment invested by employees. Bringing this down to the team level, and having individual teams collectively creating their purpose, will keep them moving forward, focused and energised.

Confidentiality – transparency

Employees have to have access to up-to-date and relevant information in order to be able to make decisions, take ownership and experiment with strategic priorities. In certain industries (such as banking), some confidentiality is require;, but in adaptive organisations, the culture of openness, honesty, frequent feedback and healthy disagreement builds trust and high performing teams.

Hierarchy – autonomy

In adaptive organisations, we need to ensure the stability of the organisational infrastructure and functions (brings structure and certainty), but we also need to balance it with the autonomy and flexibility we give to people and teams. By supporting autonomy, you enable your people to be adaptive.

Planning vs experimenting

Adaptivity comes from the ability to quickly reorient the organisation. An overly detailed traditional planning process can be an enemy to that. The adaptivity comes from setting only few strategic priorities and granting individuals and teams the capacity and space to experiment and pursue projects that will benefit the company.

Control – empowerment

In adaptive organisations, leaders and managers are still important, what changes is the definition of their roles. To empower their teams, they have to move away from the control mindset towards an empowerment mindset, inspiring and enabling people to perform through coaching and frequent feedback.

Complexity – simplicity

While some complexity is inevitable, recently, many organisations have seen it rising dramatically. In adaptive organisations, we have to understand where complexity is negatively influencing value, speed and flexibility and start reducing it. Managing complexity and using the power of simplicity will help you increase your adaptivity.

Digital adaptive organization in videos

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Proč a jak se stát Digitálně adaptivní organizací?

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Náš příběh: Efektivní plánování na základě AI

Náš příběh: Efektivní plánování na základě AI

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Náš příběh: Jak podporujeme a rozvíjíme talenty

Náš příběh: Jak podporujeme a rozvíjíme talenty

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Náš příběh: Engagement Folder Bot

Náš příběh: Engagement Folder Bot

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Náš příběh: Paperless Office

Náš příběh: Paperless Office

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Roboti v akci

Roboti v akci

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Jak si usnadnit život

Jak si usnadnit život

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Digitální upskilling pro všechny

Digitální upskilling pro všechny

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Automatizace tvorby dokumentů

Automatizace tvorby dokumentů

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How we improved our collaboration

How we improved our collaboration

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Journey to the cloud

Journey to the cloud

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Co je Adaptivní Leadership?

Co je Adaptivní Leadership?


Olga Cilečková

Olga Cilečková

Partner, Accounting advisory leader, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 724 593 568

Pavel Štefek

Pavel Štefek

partner, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 731 635 081

Agnieszka Biernat Wiatrak

Agnieszka Biernat Wiatrak

Business development, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 733 678 856

Michal Vychodil

Michal Vychodil

Digital Upskilling Leader, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 602 589 530