Executive Sparring

Innovative approach to self-development

Executive Sparring 

Executive sparring offers C-level executives a valuable opportunity to enhance their leadership capabilities, gain new perspectives,  build confidence in their decision-making abilities, problem-solving and strategic thinking. This approach to executive development is often highly valued due to its focus on practical, hands-on learning and its ability to provide personalised support to top-level executives.

Executive sparring can be a part of a broader executive development programme that includes workshops, seminars, coaching sessions, and ongoing learning opportunities. It is designed to be an iterative process where executives can apply insights gained from sparring sessions to real-world situations and continue to refine their skills over time.

More information about the programme

The programme might typically involve:
  • Simulated Scenarios: Executives engage in simulated scenarios relevant to their roles and industries, where they encounter challenges and dilemmas they might face in their day-to-day work.
  • Role-Playing: Participants take on different roles within the scenarios, allowing them to explore various perspectives and practice decision-making. The Co-Active Coaching approach emphasises active participation and collaboration between the coach and the executive.
  • Feedback and Reflection: After each scenario, feedback is provided in a coaching framework. Coaches offer insights, ask powerful questions, and facilitate reflection to help executives uncover insights about their leadership style, strengths, and areas for growth.
  • Co-Active Coaching Method: Co-Active Coaching involves a dynamic, collaborative approach where the coach and the executive work together as equals in the coaching process. It focuses on creating awareness, designing actions, setting goals, and managing accountability. 
This programme is ideal for:
  • C-level executives looking to enhance leadership capabilities and decision-making skills.
  • Senior leaders navigating complex challenges in rapidly evolving industries.

  • Teamleaders undergoing organisational transformation and seeking alignment.

Executive Sparring offers practical, hands-on learning experiences tailored to enhance leadership effectiveness and strategic thinking, customised to meet the needs of each client.

Are you interested in more information? Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to provide details or assist in preparing a programme tailored to your needs.

Contact Form


Anna Tubert

Anna Tubert

Business Developer, PwC Academy, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 731 431 337

Michal Vychodil

Michal Vychodil

Head of PwC Academy, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 602 589 530

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