ETR+ tool

Assess the corporate tax position of a group of entities

The ETR+ (the acronym ETR stands for Effective Tax Rate) is a PowerBI web-based platform to assess and display in a user-friendly fashion the corporate income tax (CIT) position of multinational group of entities.

Key benefits of ETR+ tool

Assess the overall CIT position and optionally compare it with your industry peer group or selected competitors.

Analyze relative contribution of the CIT amount per entity & jurisdiction to refine your area of focus.

Determine the ETR of the group and of each entity & jurisdiction and compare it with the nominal country tax rate.

The ETR+ is based on 3 readily available and predefined dashboards. Based on client data uploaded (via PwC cloud) into the ETR+ platform, these dashboards display the data and patterns in a user-friendly way thanks to the PowerBI processing.

Basic functions

Overall group dashboard containing:

  • Overall ETR compared to industry peer group and/or competitors
  • Sum of revenues, EBIT, PBT and Tax paid
  • Single vs. multiple year display

Functional & country slicer dashboard providing:

  • ETR per entity (country) compared to the domicile country CIT rate
  • Bar chart of jurisdictions drilled to legal entity (as per cumulated CIT liability)
  • Slicer to display entities per  functional profile / characterization

Legal entity “scorecard” dashboard displaying:

  • ETR dynamics in selected years
  • Time-series of CIT paid in selected years
  • Breakdown of revenues: related vs. 3rd party

How does it work?

  • ETR+ is a web-based tool (with the embedded PowerBI application), easily accessible via web browser
  • No need to install any SW nor implement any IT solution
  • One-off setup and subsequent quarterly to annual updates (or on monthly basis if required)
  • Initial setup to tailor the ETR+ platform to suit your data display & analytics needs

Tailored solution – ratios & extensions on demand

The ETR+ platform can be further tailored to display additional indicators such as:

  • Ratio of the tax non-deductible items to total cost;
  • Thin-cap ratio;
  • Carry-forward tax losses and their expiration.


ETR+ can provide dashboards in both Czech or English language.

ETR+ Tool Environment

Overall group dashboard

  • Overall ETR compared to industry peer group and/or competitors
  • Sum of revenues, EBIT, PBT and Tax paid
  • Single vs. multiple year display

Functional & country slicer

  • ETR per entity (country) compared to the domicile country CIT rate
  • Bar chart of jurisdictions drilled to legal entity (as per cumulated CIT liability)
  • Slicer to display entities per functional profile / characterization

Legal entity “scorecard”

  • ETR dynamics in selected years
  • Time-series of CIT paid in selected years
  • Breakdown of revenues: related vs. 3rd party


Tomáš Urbášek

Tomáš Urbášek

Partner, Tax and Legal Services, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 724 369 349

Igor Wotke

Igor Wotke

Tax and Legal Services, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 735 792 013

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