The ETR+ (the acronym ETR stands for Effective Tax Rate) is a PowerBI web-based platform to assess and display in a user-friendly fashion the corporate income tax (CIT) position of multinational group of entities.
Assess the overall CIT position and optionally compare it with your industry peer group or selected competitors.
Analyze relative contribution of the CIT amount per entity & jurisdiction to refine your area of focus.
Determine the ETR of the group and of each entity & jurisdiction and compare it with the nominal country tax rate.
The ETR+ is based on 3 readily available and predefined dashboards. Based on client data uploaded (via PwC cloud) into the ETR+ platform, these dashboards display the data and patterns in a user-friendly way thanks to the PowerBI processing.
Overall group dashboard containing:
Functional & country slicer dashboard providing:
Legal entity “scorecard” dashboard displaying: