Capital Projects and Infrastructure

We help our clients at various stages of preparation and realisation of capital projects with the aim to reach optimal and innovative solutions. We have participated in the successful realisation of projects in the area of transport, social and network infrastructure. Our clients include ministries, municipalities and private investors.

We can help you throughout the full lifecycle of your capital project or support you in the preparation and realisation of the project regardless of its current stage:

Project stages

Project initiation

  • Organisation of a workshop with stakeholders with the aim to define project goals
  • Assistance with preparation of a business case and identification of matters to assess
  • Independent assessment of the business case/strategy

Taking into consideration the situation on financial markets and the limited resources, the funding of infrastructure projects requires the use of new financial instruments and advantageous products of multilateral financial institutions. We are happy to be able to use our experience from numerous successful projects where such instruments have been applied. Thanks to our innovative approach to financing such projects, we have won several prestigious awards.

Jan Brázda

PwC Partner, Public Sector & Infrastructure

Our project references

Consulting for the winning tenderer of
the D4 motorway PPP project

We helped the ViaSallis consortium to win the first motorway PPP project in the Czech Republic that was successfully concluded in April 2021. Our support consisted in the preparation of a comprehensive finance model, acquisition of advantageous debt financing, provision of tax and accounting consulting services and support in negotiations throughout the competition dialogue.

Feasibility study and finance arrangement concerning of
a new waste incineration line

Sako Brno, the subsidiary of the Chartered City of Brno, is preparing a project to expand its incineration plant by creating a new incineration line to turn waste into energy. During the preparation of this project, we conducted a feasibility study for this business case, prepared information materials for banks, and recommended a financing structure. We provide ongoing collaboration on this project by arranging debt financing.

The primary analysis of the project realisation options concerning
a new concert hall in Riga, Latvia

For the Ministry of Culture of Latvia we conducted a preliminary feasibility study concerning the realisation of a concert hall for the National Symphony Orchestra and assessed the potential finance structures, including two PPP alternatives.

Feasibility study for
a new regional hospital in Romania

The City of Brasov, Romania, intends to build a brand-new regional hospital comprising 900 beds to replace several existing facilities. Within the feasibility study, we calculated the costs of construction and operation of the hospital, including the relevant annual payment requested by the private partner in order to run the hospital as a PPP project. Besides several project feasibility analyses from the economic, technical and legal perspective, the study involved the evaluation of its social and economic impacts (a cost-benefit analysis).

Expert assessment of the feasibility study
of high-speed railway

We conducted an expert assessment of a feasibility study concerning the high-speed railway project in the passage: Praha – Brno – Břeclav and (Brno –) Přerov – Ostrava. Our job was to provide an expert opinion on the methods used for the elaboration of the original feasibility study for both railway passages.

Communal energy system project for
the City of Brno

For a planned project concerning communal and community photovoltaic and photothermal systems used in buildings owned by the municipality of Brno, we carried out a feasibility study, including the economic framework of the project and business plan. This study helped the client to decide on the next steps to take.

Preliminary feasibility study
New City Hospital in Brno

For the Chartered City of Brno, we conducted a preliminary feasibility study concerning the new city hospital which could replace two existing facilities. This study will be used by the representatives of Brno to make objective decision-making with respect to further processes in this business case.

Consulting services to the winning tenderer
Krakow University Campus in Poland

We supported the tenderer in the PPP project concerning the Krakow University Campus in Poland in the preparation of the winning tender offer, negotiations concerning the debt and equity financing through to the successful draw of the funds in order to ensure the project realisation.

Assessment of strategic partnership models between
the public and private sector
Špitálka Smart District

We are conducting a financial and strategic analysis of the Špitálka smart district for the Chartered City of Brno. The regenerated brownfield is to be transformed into a smart district which will serve as a cultural, commercial and residential centre. The residential area of the new district will have a part of the flats designated for social housing.

Feasibility study
Regeneration of a strategic brownfield
CÉRKA Project Trojanovice

For the municipality of Trojanovice, Moravian-Silesian region, we are conducting a financial and strategic analysis of the regeneration project concerning the area affected by mining. Our job is to assess the feasibility of the brownfield regeneration in order to create a new district that will serve as an innovative, cultural, commercial and residential centre, including flats designated for social housing. We are dealing with the possibility to use subsidies within the Fair Transformation programme.

Multi-purpose sports hall in

We are involved in the preparation of a new greenfield multi-purpose sports hall in Brno which will be used for the purposes of sports and culture, and in seeking a suitable investment and ownership model with respect to the financial, tax and other aspects.

Consulting services to the winning tenderer
Zagreb Airport, Croatia

We provided the winning tenderer of the PPP project concerning the Zagreb Airport and associated infrastructure with financial consulting, including the processing of a comprehensive financial model. The project was awarded as the best European PPP project of the year 2013.


Jan Brázda

Jan Brázda

PwC Partner, Public Sector & Infrastructure, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 731 635 035

Libor Čech

Libor Čech

Investment Consulting & Infrastructure, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 602 115 409