Procurement Consulting

We help companies to save up and increase the efficiency of their procurement department

Not only does Procurement Consulting aim to procure better prices, but it strives to ensure long-term cost reduction by transferring the best practices onto your employees, by transforming the procurement function and by efficient consumption management.

The entire procurement process as well as its individual stages

We can take you through the entire procurement process as well as through its individual stages. From the specification of your needs and tender details, through supplier relationship management, to the constant improvement and cost cutting in your company operation, including digitalisation of your procurement function.

metro map

Our services in a nutshell

Top Performance Sourcing

  • We help our clients to negotiate the best terms and conditions possible by repeated procurement of their major procurement categories concerning material and services.
  • Procurement is realised using tried and tested procedures, with high motivation and focus on outcome, with maximum efforts while ensuring due care in every step of the process.
  • We support our clients throughout the entire process of strategic procurement from defining function requirements through selection and approaching of contractors, tender preparation and negotiations, to the contract conclusion.
  • We assist our clients in seeking areas where costs could be reduced and we help them to set optimal function requirements and ensure overall cots minimisation.

Set-up of efficient procurement function

  • Set-up of streamlined organisational structure
  • Implementation of rules and work processes to achieve the best market conditions in the long run
  • Preparation of templates and tools for effective procurement
  • Implementation of dashboards and KPIs to manage performance of the procurement team and to monitor efficiency of the applied means
  • Creation of concise and practical SOPs defining the principles of the best practices

Spend Cube

  • Analysis of company costs from the perspective of who consumes what and who from and under which conditions
  • One-time analysis within the project or regular reporting prepared by PwC Data Analytics.
  • Benchmarking and identification of saving opportunities

PwC Procurement Incubator

  • Transferring your whole procurement team or its part to the PwC Experience Centre and the team management to ensure procurement according to the tried and tested best practice principles
  • Repeated procurement related to selected categories of material and services
  • Quick transfer of experience, methods and work processes to your employees with the aim to achieve effective transformation of your procurement function and to increase your employees’ motivation

Procurement commission

  • To gain quick cost control by implementing a procurement commission which will physically meet and review procurement requirements in the presence of those who submit them. This process aims to eliminate excess requirements and to ensure proper procurement of all approved needs.
  • Rule setting with respect to functioning of the procurement commission – materiality of reviewed requirements, procurement form, approval rules
  • Management of the procurement commission or assistance during the course of its meetings, identification of opportunities to reach more advantageous conditions

Procurement-managed service

  • Our procurement officers will take care of the entire tender process (source-to-contract) of a selected part or the complete purchase of material or services.
  • By entrusting us with carrying out the tender process, you can quickly acquire high-quality procurement sources or cut personnel costs in no time. At the same time, you will ensure great performance within contractor selection and negotiation of terms and conditions. Tenders are realised pursuant to a time schedule set in advanced; the client receives a regular overview of tender outcomes and realised cost savings.

Contractor summit

  • Preparation and organisation of a contractor summit with the aim to encourage contractors to seek the requested savings in the area of contractor terms or consumption
  • Selection of relevant contractors
  • Preparation of a negotiation strategy, consumption and cost analysis, setting of goals and expectations
  • Organisation and realisation of the summit

Digital procurement

  • BI dashboards for online monitoring of performance of the procurement function
  • Analysis of costs and acquired savings
  • Support in the selection and implementation of an appropriate procurement information system or the use of the eSourcing platform
  • Fraud Scan – tool to detect procurement fraud

Try us out! You will only pay if we can save you money.

Let us know

6 tips for an effective procurement function


Have a detailed and constantly updated overview of your procurement spend – who buys what, for how much, from whom and what for


Use the power of your procurement department to cut costs both in procurement and consumption


Jiří Jakoubek

Jiří Jakoubek

Consulting, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 604 581 898

Petr Smutný

Petr Smutný

Partner, Crisis Management, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 602 648 602