Are you an owner or manager of a company...
Are you an insolvency trustee at a company...
Are you a creditor of a company in crisis?
Would you like to purchase a company in crisis?
At each of the crisis stages, we are able to quickly identify problematic areas, to suggest tailored solutions aimed at preserving the company value and, subsequently, to implement such solutions successfully in cooperation with the management. We strive to offer specific solutions which help our clients in the real life. We create unique values which cannot be found elsewhere on the market. That is why PwC is the leading global provider of consulting services in the area of restructuring and insolvency.
Restructuring is not easy; in fact, the cases tend to be complex and highly time-demanding. However, the work is varied, as you never know which project and field you get to. From industrial holdings to cryptocurrency startups. What matters most to me, personally, is the fact that during my career I have helped dozens of companies to get back on their feet. And thousands of real people to protect their jobs.
PwC Leader of Crisis Management Services, ranked by Forbes among TOP 5 crisis managers in the Czech Republic
Where businesses are underperforming, in distress, or in crisis, we provide tailored business review services either for creditors or for the business itself. We offer output in the form of an objective analysis that evaluates the fundamental viability of the company and serves as a platform for finding solutions among stakeholders (creditors, management, shareholders, etc.).
Key activities:
Leader in the field of business recovery services in the Czech Republic
We have 25 years of experience in the area of restructuring and business performance management. Our specialists have broad experience from various situations and fields.
Successful cases
We have participated in cases constituting the restructuring milestones and we have been awarded by the European Turnaround Management Association.
Practical approach
Our team works directly in the company to ensure everyday contact with the management and other key workers.
Stakeholder relationship management
We manage the expectations of all stakeholders and have them involved in the project in a timely manner to ensure the smooth process of the restructuring or sale.
Independence and impartial advice.
We are independent and provide impartial advice. Our outputs are respected by the stakeholders.
Would you like to work in the Business Recovery Services area? Check out our current job openings.