The Dynamic portfolio simulator allows the future development of a bank’s portfolio to be simulated under predefined assumptions. The simulation is performed on the level of individual exposures. The time resolution is typically defined by monthly snapshots over a period of multiple years. The simulation allows the bank’s strategy, formulated in a close connection with external drivers, to be projected into their balance sheet.
Stress testing
Allows inclusion of long-term projections of ESG factors.
Business model assessment
Comparison of different business strategies and their impacts.
Validation and testing of credit loss models
Robustness of the models with respect to future structural changes in the portfolio.
Challenging economic capital models
Scenario-based analysis with arbitrary portfolio breakdowns.
Evolution of the portfolio is driven by target statistical distributions of the exposure and client characteristics which can exhibit pairwise correlations as well as correlations with external factors.
A feature extraction module allows statistical distributions of available factors and their correlation structure to be extracted from historical data and arbitrarily altered to build the future scenarios. The statistical distributions can also be specified in such a way that they evolve through time either in a continuous way, or in a way which mimics the occurrence of shocks.