The PwC IFRiSk 9 / CECL Calculator has been developed to support financial institutions with the (Current) Expected Credit Loss calculation. A powerful engine together with a simple interface enables users to quickly evaluate and compare expected loss under different scenarios.
IFRiSk 9 / CECL Calculator operates as a calculation engine that loads in the required parameters for all ECL / CECL components, i.e., PD, LGD, EAD, macro-economic forecasts and a portfolio snapshot at the reporting date and computes the resulting expected losses for each account.
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IFRiSk 9 / CECL Calculator harnesses the power of a complex system of ETLs and advanced calculations. Results of the computations are obtained in a straightforward manner and an intuitive process has been designed to make the IFRiSk 9 / CECL Calculator easy to use and understand.