Question of Sport dinner raises £5,400 for the RNLI and Crossroads Manx Workshop

29 November, 2023

A corporate trivia event in September has fundraised £5,400 for two Island charities. 26 teams came together for an interactive sporting quiz at the annual ‘PwC Question of Sport’ hosted by the Isle of Man Sporting and Dining Club and sponsored by PwC Isle of Man.

The total of £4,400 raised on the night will be shared between the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI - chosen by the Dining Club) and the Crossroads Manx Workshop (chosen by PwC Isle of Man). PwC has donated a further £1,000 to support the Crossroads Manx Workshop who will receive £3,200.

After battling it out in friendly competition, Standard Bank were this year’s champions and took home the sought-after Isle of Man Sporting and Dining Silver Claret Jug. In second place was Financial Options.

Paul Jones, Corporate Responsibility Leader at PwC Isle of Man, commented: “Making a positive difference in our community is important to us and we’re delighted that two local charities providing valuable services will benefit from the 12th Question of Sport event. A popular night in the corporate calendar, we would like to thank John Wannenburgh and the Sporting and Dining Club for organising and hosting another fantastic evening.”

John Wannenburgh, Sporting and Dining Club owner, added: “It’s a privilege to host the annual Question of Sport event and bring together people from across the Island’s business network. I am delighted with the final amount fundraised for the RNLI and Crossroads Manx Workshop, and would like to thank all who attended for their generosity, as well as PwC Isle of Man for their continued support.”

PwC’s charity of choice on the evening was the Crossroads Manx Workshop. Managed by Crossroads since 2021, the Workshop delivers therapeutic services to people with health conditions and disabilities in the local community. Staff and volunteers support individuals to learn and develop woodworking skills, and to go on to create high-quality products such as garden furniture and other wood items for local sale.

The Dining Club’s choice was the RNLI, the charity that saves lives at sea. Founded in 1824 by Sir William Hillary, a resident of the Isle of Man, next year the RNLI is celebrating its 200th anniversary. With operations across the UK, Ireland and the Isle of Man, the RNLI is predominantly made up of volunteers and its lifeboat crews and lifeguards have saved over 144,000 lives. Funded by voluntary donations the RNLI is a truly unique rescue organisation.

Next year’s event will be held on Thursday 19 September 2024. If you would like to find out more, visit the Sporting and Dining Club page.

Question of Sport cheque presentation at PwC's office

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Paul Jones

Paul Jones

Partner, Audit & Assurance Leader, PwC Isle of Man

Tel: +44 (0) 1624 689685

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