Corporate responsibility

Through our corporate responsibility agenda, we can be part of the solution. At PwC we commit to do the right thing in our business, and we aim to go further by being a catalyst for change in the world around us. We have a responsibility to the Isle of Man community, and we take this responsibility seriously. Operating as a responsible business we support the growth and development of our people and community and look to minimise our impact on the environment.

In the Isle of Man as a firm, and as individuals, we take part in many initiatives from volunteering to discounted work and financial contributions. Our people take part in projects to support schools, enable social enterprises, environmental volunteering and fundraising to make a difference in our community.

Sunset at Glen Maye Beach, Isle of Man

Sunset at Glen Maye Beach, Isle of Man

We focus on:

Community engagement is a very important element of our corporate responsibility strategy. Our main aim is to make a positive difference to our communities in which we work and live.

Locally, we are involved with a number of charities and community groups and our people lend their time and skills to help these organisations.

Discover the initiatives we currently support

As a firm, we are committed to playing our part in the impact of the environment. We recognise that the greatest impact we have on our environment comes from the energy used to power our office.

We have introduced a number of initiatives to begin to address the issues. Guiding our people to make better environmental decisions.

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To us, being a responsible business means managing our operations with ethics and integrity and recognising that our responsibilities extend into our value chain. But its more than that – we understand that the most significant societal contribution we make is through the work we do day in day out.

Driven by our purpose, mission and values, we are making an impact in our communities and delivering business value by helping create a more equitable society and creating value for business and our communities in terms of ethics, integrity and trust whilst using our core skills to help address issues central to corporate responsibility today.

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Contact us

Paul Jones

Paul Jones

Partner, Audit & Assurance Leader, PwC Isle of Man

Tel: +44 (0) 1624 689685

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