Client: State Medical Commission for Assessment of Health Condition and Working Ability
Time limit: 5 months
Carrying out an assessment and a comparative analysis of the Commission’s staff workload and functional performance indicators
Carrying out a detailed analysis of the efficiency of functional performance and governance processes in the Commission’s departments, as well as preparing recommendations and an action plan to implement them for more efficient use of the Commission’s resources in order to achieve its goals and expected results
Performance of the main tasks of the functional audit was split into four steps:
The functional audit was based on publicly available information, on information provided by the Commission, and on information derived from a survey of the Commission’s staff and staff interviews.
PwC made recommendations and devised a plan to implement them based on the following analysis of the Commission’s work organisation and resources:
The functional audit was carried out as part of project, Improving the Efficiency and Quality of the State Medical Commission for the Assessment of Health Condition and Working Ability, by the European Social Fund Plus under the EU Cohesion Policy programme for 2021–2027.