Tax Consulting

We are strong both globally and nationally. We are dedicated to our clients and capable to solve tax issues of any size and magnitude anywhere. Our team is part of 18,000 skilled and experienced tax professionals worldwide.

How can we help

PwC is the leading provider of tax services worldwide both in terms of the size and scope of our tax practice and our reputation. Clients engage us because we combine a strong understanding of their business and economic environments with specialist tax knowledge in hundreds of national and local jurisdictions across the globe. As tax codes become increasingly complex and tax planning more controversial, we help companies to:

  • identify and reduce tax risks,
  • understand and meet their compliance obligations,
  • implement tax strategies that complement their business and operational objectives,
  • resolve disagreements with tax authorities when they arise, and
  • manage tax accounting and reporting issues and design of best in class tax functions
Latest news

Link between taxes and sustainability


ESG or sustainability is a hot topic that people initially associated with the environment and climate change. The social and governance components of ESG have recently become even more relevant when it comes to workers, supply chains or tax management. This article briefly looks at why we should be treating taxes as a key component of sustainability.

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Age diversity on job market – value unused 


The European Union (EU) celebrates May as the month of diversity to highlight the importance of diversity and inclusion (D&I) in society. Diversity basically reflects the nature of a person’s unique and distinct qualities and relates to people’s different values in terms of gender, age, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, abilities and experience.

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We are managing IT right but still losing out


Over the last six months I’ve been comparing the information technology (IT) inventory in a number of Latvian companies with their global industry peers. PwC makes a comparison in the course of developing a company’s IT strategy or assessing its digital transformation maturity. For comparison purposes we use similar corporate indicators gathered by the American Productivity & Quality Center, a leading global authority, and surveys of IT practices in various industries. The results show a systemic trend.

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Ilze Rauza

Ilze Rauza

Partner, PwC Latvia

Tel: +371 6709 4400

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