Reward Advisory Services

Our Reward Advisory Services are designed to support the attraction, engagement and retention of key talent, help drive individual and collective discretionary effort, and align reward, performance and business strategy.

We work with you to bring a holistic approach from the reward philosophy and initial design stages through to implementation and beyond.  

Explore our services

Total reward strategy

Develop reward strategies, philosophy, principles, policies and frameworks that align business strategic objectives to reward outcomes. Ensure that the total reward offering is optimised to maximise its return on investment.

Transactions and deals

Assess the people and HR/tax impact of deals, including pre and post deal, buy and sell side, IPO’s and divestments, and bringing people and corporate culture to the fore as key drivers of value creation in any transaction. 

Incentive plans (local and global plans)

Design and implement incentive plans that meet the strategic objectives of an organisation, are tax efficient and meet regulatory requirements locally and globally. 

Performance metric selection and calibration

Identify, assess and calibrate the key performance criteria that best align to the business and reward strategy, are measurable and reward the right behaviours. 

Reward modelling and valuations

Develop models to assess alternatives and proof of the viability of the selected plans from a company and participant perspective, and the valuation of reward instruments for accounting, tax and allocation purposes. 

Tax, regulatory and accounting advice

Assess the tax, regulatory and accounting implications of operating plans both in Latvia and globally and assist with monitoring and meeting ongoing global compliance requirements. 

Performance management

Develop the right frameworks to enable performance and behaviours to be meaningfully set, assessed and rewarded, and ensuring the link to the job architecture and competency framework is efficient and effective.

Research, data analytics and benchmarking

Collect and analyse remuneration data (including quantum, policy data and performance metrics) to provide companies with an understanding of their current positioning against market and provide tailored insight. 

Communication and change

Design and deliver communication strategies and documents for a variety of stakeholders (from shareholders through to employee participants).  

Board Advisory and corporate governance

Act as the independent advisor to the Board on remuneration matters. Assist with the governance processes to manage risk, compliance and appropriate oversight on remuneration matters

Contact us

Irena Arbidane

Irena Arbidane

Director, Pan-Baltic People & Organisation Leader, PwC Latvia

Viktorija  Lavrova

Viktorija Lavrova

Manager, Tax Consulting, PwC Latvia

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