Business contacts

According to our standards we only collect personal data necessary for our specified purposes and we encourage our customers to only share personal data where it is strictly required for those purposes. PwC processes personal data of business contacts (former, current and potential PwC customer’s and/or individuals associated with them) using a customer relationship management system (the “PwC CRM”).

PwC may process the following personal data of business contacts:

  • name, surname;

  • position, phone number, email address and/or other contact information;

  • data on email communication (name, surname of sender, name, surname of addressee, date, time and subject of email) and calendar invitation data relating to the customer (e.g., title/name of remote communication organizer, participants, date and time of event).

Personal data of business contacts is available to all PwC users and may be used by them to find out about the customers, offers to them and their acceptance/rejection status.

In addition, PwC CRM uses an algorithm to evaluate how close the interaction is between the PwC user and the business contact. This assessment is based primarily on interaction frequency, duration, time of last interaction and response time. Despite the use of the algorithm, any decisions are made by a PwC representative - an individual.

If personal data is provided to PwC by the data subject himself, the submission of such data is entirely voluntary. Refusal to provide personal data or withdrawal of consent will not have any legal consequences for the data subject.


Legal basis of processing

Purposes of processing

PwC’s legitimate interests (subsection f) of Article 6(1) of General Data Protection Regulation).

Data of business contacts may be processed for the following purposes (description of legitimate interests):

  • to improve PwC, its services and quality;

  • to carry out security and risk management activities (e.g., we have implemented security measures to protect our and our customers' information (including personal data), which includes the detection, investigation and prevention of security threats; personal data may also be processed as part of our security monitoring);

  • to provide you with information about PwC and our services (direct marketing);

  • to make personal data available to PwC employees who provide services and offer new services;

  • to identify customers with similar needs;

  • to, for example, analyze market trends, prepare relationship maps or evaluate opportunities to offer new services;

  • to enforce legal claims.

As long as the personal data is necessary for the described purposes, as long as the business contact works for the specific customer or as long as there are other legitimate interests of PwC that are considered more important than the interests of the data subject.
Data subject consent (subsection a) of Article 6(1) of General Data Protection Regulation).

If the consent of the data subject has been obtained, data of business contacts may be processed for the following purposes:

  • to provide you with information about PwC and our services;

  • to provide you with information about training organized by PwC or other events organized by PwC.

As long as the data subject's consent is valid, unless there are other legitimate interests of PwC (for example, protection of PwC's interests in a dispute with the data subject) that are considered more important than the interests of the data subject.
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