Customers - individuals

According to our standards we only collect personal data necessary for our specified purposes and we encourage our customers to only share personal data where it is strictly required for those purposes.

If, as part of the professional services provided to customers, we also need to process the data of individuals with whom we do not have direct communication (for example, members of the client's family), we ask our customers to provide the relevant data subjects with information about the use of their data. Our customers may use the relevant sections of this privacy statement or refer to this privacy statement in their communication with these data subjects if they deem it appropriate.

Taking into account the variety of services provided to customers - individuals - (click here to receive information about our services), we may process different categories of personal data:

  • customer name, surname;

  • customer contact information (e.g. phone number, email address, residential address);

  • economic activity performed by the customer;

  • information about family members;

  • data on the income, taxes and other financial information of the customer or his/her family members;

  • information about investments and other financial participations made by the customer or his/her family members;

  • for the provision of certain services, as well as in cases where it is required by law or when the consent of the person has been received, we can also process special categories of personal data (for example, data on a person's state of health, membership in trade unions, etc.).

Legal basis of processing Purposes of processing Retention
Conclusion or execution of agreement  with data subject (subsection b) of Article 6(1) of General Data Protection Regulation).

The data of the customer - individual - may be processed for the following purposes:

  • for the provision of PwC services (for example, if we provide advice on tax, social security tax or immigration matters).

As long as personal data is necessary for the described purposes, as well as the term specified in the applicable laws after the termination of the business relationship (for example, five years for accounting purposes, 10 years for the purposes provided for in the Civil Law).
PwC’s legal obligations (subsection c) of Article 6(1) of General Data Protection Regulation):
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism and Proliferation Financing Act;

  • Law on International and National Sanctions of the Republic of Latvia;

  • requirements and guidelines of PwC supervisory authorities;

  • Tax regulations;

  • Accounting regulations, etc.

Personal data of customer - individual - and his/her family members may be processed for the following purposes:

  • to fulfill the requirements of laws applicable to PwC (for example, checks against sanctions lists, submission of tax returns, communication with public or municipal authorities, etc.).

As long as personal data is necessary for the described purposes, for example five years after the termination of the business relationship.

The total duration of storage usually does not exceed 10 years after the termination of the business relationship.


Data subject consent (subsection a) of Article 6(1) of General Data Protection Regulation).

If the consent of the data subject has been obtained, customer data may be processed for the following purposes:

  • to provide you with information about PwC and our services;

  • to provide you with information about training organized by PwC or other events organized by PwC.

As long as the data subject's consent is valid, unless there are other legitimate interests of PwC (for example, protection of PwC's interests in a dispute with the data subject) that are considered more important than the interests of the data subject.
PwC’s legitimate interests (subsection f) of Article 6(1) of General Data Protection Regulation).

The personal data of the customer - individual - may be processed for the following purposes (description of legitimate interests):

  • to improve PwC and the quality of its services (for example, we monitor the quality of the services provided to customers, which may include the processing of personal data held in the relevant customer’s file. We have implemented policies and procedures to monitor the quality of the services provided and manage risks related to contracts concluded with customers);

  • to carry out security and risk management activities (for example, we have implemented security measures to protect our own and our customers' information (including personal data), which include the detection, investigation and prevention of security threats; personal data may also be processed as part of our security monitoring, for example, by performing automated scans to identify malicious emails);

  • to provide you with information about PwC and our services (direct marketing);

  • to make personal data available to PwC employees who provide services and offer new services;

  • to identify customers with similar needs;

  • to analyze market trends, prepare relationship maps or evaluate opportunities to offer new services;

  • to prove the provision of services to the customer;

  • to enforce legal claims.


The personal data of family members of the customer - individual - may be processed for the following purposes (description of legitimate interests):

  • to fulfill the contract concluded with the customer - individual;

  • to enforce legal claims.

As long as the personal data is necessary for the described purposes or as long as there are other legitimate interests of PwC that are considered more important than the interests of the data subject.


In the absence of specific regulatory or contractual requirements or other legal basis, we generally keep documents and other documentary evidence arising from the provision of services for no longer than 5 years.


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