Visitors to our office

We have security measures in place at our office, including video surveillance cameras on the premises, as well as access to the building and office premises is controlled.

PwC has not implemented a visitor registration log, however, visitors may be asked to state their name. In certain cases, if the visitor represents a public or municipal institution and wants to enter PwC's premises, we may also ask to present an employee document and/or an identity document.

Video surveillance recordings are stored in a closed and secure location and may be accessed on a "need to know" basis (for example, to evaluate an incident). Video recordings are not transferred to third parties, unless there is a legal basis for doing so (for example, a request from law enforcement authorities, a request from a data subject).

PwC may process the following personal data:

  • visitor's name and company/institution represented;

  • data contained in the identity document;

  • data visible in the recordings of video surveillance cameras.

Legal basis of processing Purposes of processing Retention
PwC’s legitimate interests (subsection f) of Article 6(1) of General Data Protection Regulation). PwC’s legitimate interests (subsection f) of Article 6(1) of General Data Protection Regulation).

As long as the personal data is necessary for the described purposes or as long as there are other legitimate interests of PwC that are considered more important than the interests of the data subject.


In the absence of specific regulatory requirements or other legal basis (such as an active law enforcement investigation), we typically retain video recordings for no longer than 3 months.

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