Corporate Social Responsibility

Malta Annual Review 2020

Through Corporate Responsibility, we're on a journey to make every decision, every day, count - towards a sustainable future. By behaving responsibly and doing the right thing we are playing our part in making a difference in the areas that are critical to the resiliency of our business, people and the community. In recognising that each one of us is a catalyst for change, we can use our skills, voice and relationships to work with others and influence activities that make a difference, create change and have a lasting impact on the world around us.

Our five core values form the bedrock for our PwC culture. Acting with integrity, caring, teamwork, reimagining the possible and making a difference impact the choices we make across our business, including in our corporate social responsibility efforts:

Our five core values form the bedrock for our PwC culture. Acting with integrity, caring, teamwork, reimagining the possible and making a difference impact the choices we make across our business, including in our corporate social responsibility efforts.

Act with integrity

Act with integrity

Working Together

Work together

Make a difference

Make a difference

Reimagine the possibe

Reimagine the possible

Care and respect


What we've done

This year, we’ve launched a number of initiatives to support our society. Here is a glimpse of what we’ve done:

Pink October

In a global effort to raise awareness on breast cancer, October has been designated as the Pink Month. On 18 October 2019, we’ve distributed ice creams to our people and donated the proceeds to the Ronald McDonald House Charity. This non-profit organisation aims at providing resources to improve the quality of life of vulnerable children in Malta. A total of 750 euros have been raised and donated to this charity.

World Cancer Day

In aid of World Cancer Day, we supported the initiative “40320 pieces for Puttinu”, aiming at assembling the world's largest puzzle of 40320 pieces measuring 22 ft by 6 ft. We placed these puzzles in our premises and encouraged our people to help assemble the puzzles, whilst donating a minimum of 2 euros per person. (Amount of donation to be included)

Local Charities

This year, we also supported the following local charities: Dar Tal-Providenza, Din l-Art Helwa, Marigold Foundation, Medina Foundation for Music, Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti and ALS Malta

Professional bodies and the University

We also regularly support relevant professional bodies and the University, through the provision of partners and managers who participate on the council of the Malta Institute of Accountants, the Institute of Financial Services Practitioners and the Accountancy Board, or as lecturers and tutors at University.

pink october week
Movember week

Caring and giving back is an essential part of who we are and what we do. Sharing our time, knowledge and resources allows our people to give back and engage in activities where they live and work.

More about our Corporate Social Responsibility


Contact us

Mirko Rapa

Mirko Rapa

Tax Partner, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 2564 6896

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