Improve business performance

Make informed changes - and make the changes stick.

Do what you do today. Even better.

Every area in every business - from supply chain efficiency, to overall technology innovation - can be improved through smart use of data and analytics.

For more than a century, we’ve been helping clients solve the important business challenges they face. Today, we do it all with the power of data analytics. Combined with huge proprietary data sets and our own analytics platforms, we use our experience in analytics services and consulting to help you work more efficiently and effectively.

Want better business performance through better business innovation? Our specialists can help you apply data based insights to pinpoint opportunities in your industry to work smarter, focus and prioritise.

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Helping airlines get ahead

Duration: 2.22

How we can help you

Supply chain effectiveness

Four key questions are often on the minds of any supply chain leader:

  1. How can I quickly tell how my supply chain is performing?
  2. How can I manage my supply chain in real time?
  3. What does my optimal supply chain look like?
  4. How can I find and put in place improvements?

We can use data and analytics to manage the effectiveness of the supply chain to:

  • Support diagnostics of current performance, using analytics and our own supply chain benchmarking services.
  • Transform supply chains by defining and predicting the potential impact of future designs.
  • Manage in real time, using data from connected devices, machines and assets.


Customer analytics

Client’s have more access to more data about your customers than ever before. But how can it help you?

We can help organisations get greater insight through listening to social media conversations, taking advantage of mobile devices as sensing platforms, and mining the details from CRM systems. By understanding how your customers behave, you can do things like:

  • Understand you customers better and make more effective decisions about how to serve them.
  • Understand what your customer’s think about you through e.g. sentiment analytics.
  • Optimise your pricing models.
  • Improve product adoption in new and existing markets.


Operational efficiency

Two thirds of businesses plan to cut costs over the next 12 months. But less than 30% of programmes hit their targets. And less than a fifth demonstrate sustained benefits over three years.

We work with clients to take cost out of their businesses - and make it sustainable, without hurting customer experience or the ability to innovate and grow.

We can help you:

  • Use data to find the potential to tighten up processes, reduce errors, and cut external spending.
  • Use analytics to highlight patterns that show wasteful or inefficient processes.
  • Make change stick, by delivering data and performance measures to the right people at the right time - and set up the incentives for people to act on it.


Finance effectiveness

Finance functions are transforming, improving business results by investing in commercial insight, spending less time on transactional work and running at lower costs. The best performers spend 20% more time on analysis (rather than data gathering) and run at 36% lower cost.

Data and analytics is fuelling this change. Advances through the cloud, artificial intelligence and robotic process automation, if properly applied, can free up time for finance to create and deliver value across the organisation.


People management

Businesses already know vast amounts about their people - and the potential is there to know even more. This gives them enormous untapped potential to generate meaningful insights.

People analytics is changing the way companies think about everything from attracting and developing talent, to employee engagement and retaining.

We offer a broad range of services, from benchmarking to advanced analytics to comprehensive workforce surveying. All backed up by unique proprietary data sets. We’ll help you take the guesswork out of your most important workforce decisions.

Risk & compliance analytics

In compliance implementing and tracking regulatory changes are the two greatest challenges they face. Further to this, compliance often lacks confidence in the metrics they track - and don’t have access to key data to help manage risks.

With pressure on regulators and management to identify new risks earlier and take more effective action, we can help out clients to:

  • Improve data management, and create detailed audit trails, more efficient case management, and more accurate reporting.
  • Identify operational efficiencies, cut manual testing, and find potential cost-savings.
  • Create dashboards, monitor operations and give and real-time insight.
  • Reduce the risk of fines and sanctions - and protect against reputational damage.


Contact us

Michel Ganado

Michel Ganado

Digital Services Leader, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 2564 7091

Andrew Schembri

Andrew Schembri

Digital Services Partner, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 79211355

Jake  Azzopardi

Jake Azzopardi

Senior Manager, Digital Services, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 7975 6974

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