Tailor-made VAT training

Working together to understand your training needs and designing a training programme that maximises your learning experience

Our VAT team delivers specialist VAT training to both individuals and businesses. The philosophy behind PwC’s tailor-made training is to encourage industry-focused and client-specific training. Sessions are exclusive to the organisation and follow an in-depth training needs analysis.

The training agenda

From our experience, the topics below are typically included in the training agenda. Different topics may be selected which will be adapted and included in the training programme together with practical scenarios that the audience would like to be addressed.

The mechanics of VAT and an introduction to the main concepts

VAT registrations including VAT grouping and its implications

Exploring real case scenarios with a possible game twist!

Determining the place where a transaction is deemed to take place - place of supply rules

How to deal with cross border transactions for both goods and services

Understanding the deduction rules, including partial attribution and input tax on capital goods

More about our training


The benefits of expert training are vast: knowledgeable staff will mean more efficient handling of VAT queries which aids in keeping up with compliance requirements, unnecessary cash flows, penalties or fines may be reduced and more efficient procedures identified.

Duration of courses

Given that our courses will be tailored, the timing and duration of such courses is decided by the trainees.

Refresher course

Our VAT team can offer a Refresher course - training which will highlight the salient Maltese VAT provisions.

Venue and dates

Our team is flexible with respect to venue and dates - our trainers can deliver training either at the client’s premises or delivered at The Hub at PwC.


A certificate of attendance will be given to every participant depending on the hours of attendance.

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