Information Technology Risk Assurance

Accurate information is essential in any business.

Our team of professionals help clients by designing and implementing IT and project risk and control solutions that protect their business and reduce their compliance cost.

By offering specialist audit support, we advise clients on the effectiveness of their system controls over financial information systems – and help relieve them of their concerns when it comes to financial reporting.

We also evaluate clients’ compliance with the relevant security and control policies, procedures and international best practices.

Plus, we have a team of ethical testers who are able to perform penetration testing to ensure that our clients’ IT environment is secured.

IT risk assurance services

Our services include:

Cyber Security

We offer you confidence in your security by helping you to:

  • set the right priorities
  • build an intellgence-led defence that enables rapid cyber response
  • use technology to your advantage, deriving maximum return from your technology investments
  • exploit the next digital opportunity with confidence
  • understand and manage risk in your interconnected business ecosystem
  • build and maintain a secure culture, where people are aware of their critical security decisions

Data confidence

We offer you confidence in your data by helping you to:

  • identify the data that is important for your business needs and how to prioritise the security and protection of that data
  • understand the value of your data and how to use it for competitive advantage
  • embed good governance
  • independently test your systems and processes to ensure that your data is accurately processed and properly reported


Financial Processes Analyser ("FPA")

FPA promotes continues and on-going monitoring of your process. Find out how we digitalise your internal lines of defence.  


Business systems confidence

We offer you confidence in your systems by providing you with:

  • deep technical expertise of the business systems landscape, including a range of Enterprise Resource Planning, Enterprise Performance Management, and Governance, Risk & Compliance technologies
  • extensive experience in defining and deploying risk and control frameworks
  • application of a ‘risk and controls’ lens to your processes and system design that will strengthen your overall design and help you increase the reliability and maturity of your existing control environment cost-effectively and sustainably

IT risk resilience

We give you the confidence to take risks by helping you identify a complete set of IT risks and to design the IT governance and risk management process to better manage them.

The PwC Risk Assurance framework provides a comprehensive and proven approach to managing this process. Being good at this will give you the confidence to embrace the next digital opportunity.

Transformation confidence

We offer you confidence in your digital transformation program by acting as your ‘critical friend’ and giving you insight and challenge to help you make the tough decisions relating to technology-driven transformation programmes, and support you in realising your digital future.


Contact us

Elaine Ng

Elaine Ng

Partner, Risk Services and Markets Leader, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 (12) 334 6243

Clarence Chan

Clarence Chan

Partner, Digital Trust and Cybersecurity Leader, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 (3) 2173 0344

Alex Cheng

Alex Cheng

Director, Cyber Threat Operations, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 (3) 2173 0647

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