Global FinTech Report 2019
In this year’s Global Fintech Survey, we polled more than 500 financial services and TMT executives worldwide and analysed their responses.
We advise on key issues such as the impact of risk and regulation, financial crime, business resilience, process improvement, financial reporting requirements, as well as the changing face of the customer. We use proven methodologies to design and execute business transformation backed by blueprint designs that are used as accelerators.
We have invested in building our technology capabilities, focusing on the areas that we believe bring the most value to our clients, including data and analytics, technology transformation and cyber.
In this year’s Global Fintech Survey, we polled more than 500 financial services and TMT executives worldwide and analysed their responses.
This edition of Asset & Wealth Management Insights looks into the likely impacts of FinTech on this sector.
This report is the insurance-focused cut of the Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers (AICB) and PwC Malaysia report on FinTech, “Catching the FinTech Wave” which gathered the views of 84 senior professionals from banks, insurers, asset managers and FinTech companies in Malaysia.