Tax and Legal Partner, PwC Thailand
Panachai Anontanut is a Partner in the Transfer Pricing Service Line. Panachai has been dedicated to transfer pricing since 2007. He has had experienced with transfer pricing issues from a vast number of industries, including IT service providers, telecommunications, financial and banking, various types of services, automotive, electronics, etc.
Panachai is one the co-authors of ‘Thailand Master Tax Guide 2018/2019’, responsible for the transfer pricing chapter. Thailand Master Tax Guide 2018/2019 is a comprehensive Thai tax guide authored by PwC and published by Wolters Kluwer group. Panachai regularly contributes transfer pricing thought leaderships through newspaper articles. He has also been invited to speak at business organisations and governmental departments.
His experience covers transfer pricing disclosure form review and completion, transfer pricing compliance review and documentation, planning and advisory, advance pricing agreement application assistance, tax dispute resolution, and value chain transformation.
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