Certified Internal Auditor (CIA)®

Develop your knowledge and competencies to effectively carry out any internal audit

Start your career in audit

The Certified Internal Auditor (CIA)® is the only globally accepted certification for internal auditors and remains the standard by which individuals demonstrate their competency and professionalism in the field of internal audit. Our CIA courses will systemise your knowledge and enable you to gain practical skills of internal control, risk management and corporate governance and thus will increase your chance to pass the final CIA exams above the global average pass rate.
CIA courses are led by PwC internal audit experts who bring the latest knowledge and experience and are suitable for long-term internal auditors and future managers gaining exposure and expertise in organisational risk management. 


CIA courses

CIA: Part 1 & 2

The 5-day highly interactive online course will thoroughly prepare you for the final CIA exam. You will get study materials and useful exam tips and techniques from experienced and qualified tutors and specialists in the area of internal audit.

After completing the course you will: 
  • Get familiar with the fundamental standards of internal audit,

  • Be able to establish a Risk-based Plan to determine the Priorities of the Internal Audit Activity,

  • Understand the Internal Audit Activity’s Role in Organisational Governance,

  • Know how to perform other Internal Audit Roles and Responsibilities,

  • Have information about Governance, Risk and Control Knowledge Elements and Plan Engagements,

  • Be more confident in realising internal audits,

  • Get familiar with the realisations of specific audits,

  • Know how to monitor engagement outcomes,

  • Have information about Fraud Knowledge Elements and Auditor's Tools.

Important note: In order to be able to sit any CIA exam it is necessary to register into IIA online registration system Certification Candidate Management System (CCMS) in advance. PwC Academy does not provide this service.

Register here 


Dates and details

Date Course CPD points Language


Price (excl. VAT) Registration  

13–15 & 20–22 May 2025

CIA: Part 1 & 2




35,900 CZK


Flexible* CIA: Part 3   ENG Online 25,400 CZK Register  

* Online video module – available for purchase and viewing at any time.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk(*)

Personal details

Invoice details

Please read PwC Academy: Terms and Conditions: https://www.pwc.com/cz/en/akademie/terms-conditions.html

I agree with PwC Academy: Terms and Conditions *

I acknowledge that my personal data provided in the registration questionnaire will be processed by entities from the PwC network mentioned in the section “Data controller and contact information” in the Privacy Statement in accordance with appropriate legal provisions (mainly the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Act. No. 110/2019 Coll., on personal data processing, as amended) based on the legitimate interest of the PwC network entities for the purpose of my registration for a selected course and related administrative activities and for the purpose of direct marketing, mainly:

  • organising events,
  • developing our businesses and services and offering new services, and,
  • providing information about us and our range of services.

Please, read our Privacy Statement where you can learn more about our approach to personal data and your rights, in particular the right to object to processing.


Anna Tubert

Anna Tubert

Business Developer, PwC Academy, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 731 431 337

Michal Vychodil

Michal Vychodil

Head of PwC Academy, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 602 589 530

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