Effective Networking

Discover the art of elevator pitch

The Art of the Elevator Pitch

Building a personal brand is a key tool that enables you to achieve your personal and professional goals. An elevator pitch is a brief, concise presentation that allows you to introduce yourself to others and strengthen your personal brand. It differentiates you from your peers and helps position you as a leader in your field – as a specialist and an authority who knows how to fill a particular niche better than anyone else.
During the course, we will introduce you to the elevator pitch that will help you to communicate your personal brand and clarify what makes you and your value proposition unique while addressing your professional objectives as well as the concerns and needs of your listener.

What you will learn:

  • Familiarise yourself with the five questions an elevator pitch must answer,
  • Learn how to consolidate and refine your competitive selling points and professional goals in order to establish a “personal brand” and create an effective, customised elevator pitch,
  • Discover alternative applications for your elevator pitch,
  • Have an opportunity to practice delivering and evaluating pitches first-hand with your classmates.

Being ready and comfortable with a solid elevator pitch will enable you to respond quickly and confidently at any time to those common unavoidable questions: “What do you do?" or “Tell me about yourself”. You will undoubtedly use your elevator pitch frequently, in everyday networking situations, interviews, and even social gatherings.

Course details

This one-day course is designed to help participants improve their networking skills and strengthen personal brand. 

Benefits from attending the course: 
  • Enhanced communication skills: Gain valuable insights and practical tools to articulate your value proposition clearly and effectively. Learn how to deliver a compelling elevator pitch that captures attention and makes a lasting impression.
  • Improved networking abilities: Discover strategies to connect and engage with professionals across various industries. Enhance your ability to build and expand your professional network, opening doors to new opportunities and collaborations.
  • Personal brand development: Learn how to consolidate and refine your competitive selling points and professional goals to establish a strong personal brand. Understand how to communicate your unique value and differentiate yourself in the market.
  • Hands-on practice: Gain practical experience by crafting and delivering your own elevator pitch. Participate in interactive sessions where you can practice and receive constructive feedback in a supportive environment.
  • Adaptability and confidence: Develop the confidence to handle diverse networking situations with ease. Embrace a growth mindset and improve your ability to adapt your pitch to different audiences and contexts.


The course is suitable for: 
  • Business professionals looking to enhance their networking skills to build and expand their professional connections.
  • International professionals working in or aspiring to work in an international context, requiring a refined and adaptable approach to networking and self-presentation.
  • Freelancers and consultants who need to market their services and expertise to potential clients.
  • Entrepreneurs and start-up founders who need to pitch their business ideas and personal brand effectively to potential investors, partners, or clients.
  • Professional networkers who regularly attend industry events, conferences, and networking functions looking to enhance their networking effectiveness.
  • Sales and marketing professionals who need to convey their product, service, or personal value proposition succinctly and persuasively.


After successful completion of the course you receive PwC certificate.


Mitch Berman

Mitch has dedicated over 20 years of his career to undertaking business development, marketing, and account management leadership roles across the telecommunications, media, consumer products, and entertainment industries. Skilled at wearing many hats and adapting to new environments, he has successfully managed transitions to and from numerous start-ups as well as blue-chip companies.
Mitch consults, coaches, and trains on an independent basis, offering targeted expertise in communication, career development, leadership, and image optimisation. He is driven by a passion to transform and inspire companies, executives, and individuals, especially in an international context.

He holds an MBA with a concentration in marketing and management policy from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Chicago. He earned a B.S. with highest honors in Economics and Engineering Science from Vanderbilt University in Tennessee. Additionally, he is trained as a professional coach by the Coaches Training Institute, accredited by the International Coaching Federation.

Are you interested in this course?
Contact us for more details.


Anna Tubert

Anna Tubert

Business Developer, PwC Academy, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 731 431 337

Michal Vychodil

Michal Vychodil

Head of PwC Academy, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 602 589 530

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