"Sime Darby is a large organisation - we have more than 120,000 employees throughout the world, several businesses in different geographies, and are also the largest producer of certified sustainable palm oil. We can do this because the market believes in us. Sime Darby is where it is today because of the trust we have developed in all our relationships and build upon over the years."
"Axiata places strong emphasis in delivering on customer's expectations and we intend to inspire digital trust through robust data privacy and security policies, frameworks and management, as well as continuously innovating our products and services to proactively meet changing customer demands."
"There is never a wrong time to build trust or build upon the trust you may have developed. At Sime Darby, building trust is one of the six winning mindsets that we have adopted for our internal cultural transformation programme."
"For Astro, in terms of packaging our products, content and services, it's extremely important that we not be deemed disingenuous. You have to mean what you say and only say what you mean. And practice it because that is part of your DNA."
"Building trust is all about what you do. A lot of people basically just focus on the idea of building trust with consumers, individuals, or stakeholders - but it's about being consistent in really living up to your values and your principles."
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