PwC Global Internal Audit Study 2023 - Malaysia edition

Seeing through walls to find new horizons

PwC Global Internal Audit Study 2023
  • Report
  • 5 minute read
  • 14 Mar 2024

For more than a decade, PwC has conducted global surveys with internal audit (IA) leaders and their stakeholders. PwC Global Internal Audit Study 2023 was our largest ever. It captured views from 4,680 IA leaders, board members and executives in the business, covering 81 countries including Malaysia. 


We see rapid changes in the risk landscape globally in the areas of technology, climate, geopolitics, regulations and workstyle reform.

The interwoven themes explored in this study will show that IA’s objectivity and ability to ‘connect the dots’ mean that it has the potential to create new value, and give its stakeholders the confidence to navigate the risk multiverse.

For this to happen, a change in perspective is necessary for IA, moving from a compliance focused approach to actively supporting value protection and creation.

Key findings

IA is uniquely positioned to help organisations navigate the complex risk multiverse. Our survey highlights how IA can evolve, add value and remain relevant, offering insights and strategies for IA leaders, board members, business executives and second line leaders.

Responding to megatrends

Megatrends are creating a complex and interconnected risk multiverse

Why this is new
  • Recent megatrends are creating risks in new areas that are unprecedented in scale and complexity
What this means for IA
  • IA is uniquely positioned to give the organisation confidence to navigate these challenges and find a new direction—and new opportunities
Responding to megatrends

IA needs more involvement in strategic areas to remain relevant

Why this is new
  • Driven by increased complexity and higher stakes, business executives are opening the door for IA to help them address more strategic areas
What this means for IA
  • IA can choose to engage differently with its stakeholders to provide new strategic value, or risk becoming irrelevant
Responding to megatrends

IA can be a unifying force

Why this is new
  • First and second lines have ‘levelled up’ their capabilities and response to risk
What this means for IA
  • IA can help combine expertise across the organisation to harness momentum and forge something stronger together
Responding to megatrends

IA’s human ‘superpowers’ are more important than ever

Why this is new
  • Technology has become exponentially more sophisticated, providing organisations with access to more data and opportunities than ever before
What this means for IA
  • IA must continue to evolve its human capabilities to ensure it can turn data into decisions, build new relationships, and help others to see risk differently
Responding to megatrends

IA can boost ROI by changing its approach to technology

Why this is new
  • Technology investment in recent years has not yielded the returns many have expected and the next wave of technology is already here
What this means for IA
  • IA needs to recalibrate its approach and work with others to unlock the potential of technology; but the window is closing fast

Contact us

Dominic Chegne

Dominic Chegne

Partner, Risk Services, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 12 332 2300

Nik Shahrizal Sulaiman

Nik Shahrizal Sulaiman

Partner, Risk Services, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 19 650 7305

Shoba Ananthanarayan

Shoba Ananthanarayan

Senior Manager, Risk Services, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 12 307 7897

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