A journey in building trust

Corporate Sustainability 2015-2016


Read about PwC Malaysia's 'Journey in building trust'. Our financial year 2016 report shares how we served our purpose - 'Building trust and solving important problems' through our Corporate sustainability efforts as a responsible business; our efforts on diversity & inclusion and encouraging our own people to be more healthy.

This report also shows areas where we're aligned to the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals; and how we have measured our economic, environmental and social performance throughout our financial year 2016 and plans to make our impact more sustainable for our beneficiaries. It reminds us of our achievements but also how far we aspire to go.

Diversity & Inclusion at PwC: Be our guest at #Lunchwithastranger

A healthy workplace is a melting pot of people from different cultures, experiences, religions, races, job scopes, and ages. Understanding our diversity helps us to work together better, and we believe that dialogue is key to this understanding. So, we've put together diversity, dialogue and dining to create #Lunchwithastranger

This video was our submission to the 2016 Life@Work Awards, which recognises employers who make an effort to create a more inclusive, family-friendly and diverse workplace. 


Watch the video

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Key findings

With our Flexible Work Arrangement program, PwC has saved RM518,600 from retaining 10 employees.

(page 48, highlights & summary)


With our #FitPwC programme, 17% of participants state that it has helped them decrease sick leave by one day. We estimated that the #FitPwC programme generates RM2,906 in benefits.

(page 51, highlights & summary)



We are aligned to 9 out of 17 United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Quality education
  • Gender equality
  • Good health and wellbeing
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Reduced inequalities
  • Sustainable cities and economies
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • Partnership for the goals

(page 20, highlights & summary)



Here’s a selection of key nation building engagements we have been involved in:

Public sector accrual accounting

Administrator for national airlines

Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

  Human capital studies

 KL Transport Integrated Cashless  System

  11th Malaysia Plan Workshops

Contact us

Florence Tan

Corporate Sustainability Director, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 (3) 2173 0334

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