2023/2024 Malaysian Tax Booklet

Corporate Income Tax

Residence status

A company is tax resident in Malaysia if its management and control are exercised in Malaysia. Management and control are normally considered to be exercised at the place where the directors’ meetings concerning management and control of the company are held.


Income tax rates

Resident companies are taxed at the rate of 24% while those with paid-up capital of RM2.5 million or less*, and gross business income of not more than RM50 million are taxed at the following scale rates:

Chargeable income

Rate (%)
The first RM150,000 15

RM150,001 to RM600,000


In excess of RM600,000 


* The companies must not be part of a group of companies where any of their related companies have a paid-up capital of more than RM2.5 million, and w.e.f YA 2024, no more than 20% of its paid-up capital is owned (directly or indirectly) by companies incorporated outside Malaysia or non-Malaysian citizens.

Non-resident companies are taxed at the following rates:

Type of income

Rate (%)

Business income 24
Royalties 10
Rental of moveable properties 10
Advice, assistance or services rendered in Malaysia 10
Interest 15*
Dividends (single-tier) Exempt
Other income 10
Film production by foreign companies 0 - 10

Note: Where the recipient is resident in a country which has a double tax treaty with Malaysia, the tax rates for the specific sources of income may be reduced.
* Interest paid to a non-resident by a bank or a finance company in Malaysia is exempt from tax.

Collection of tax

An estimate of a company’s tax payable for a YA must be furnished to the Director General of Inland Revenue (DGIR) not later than 30 days before the beginning of the basis period, except for the following:

  • A newly established company with paid-up capital of RM2.5 million and less is exempted from this requirement for 2 to 3 YAs, beginning from the YA in which the company commences operation, subject to certain conditions.
  • A company commencing operations in a YA is not required to furnish an estimate of tax payable or make instalment payments if the basis period for the YA in which the company commences operations is less than 6 months.

The estimate of tax payable is generally payable in 12 equal monthly instalments, beginning from the second month of the company’s basis period.

The balance of tax payable by a company, based on the return submitted, is due to be paid by the due date for submission of the return.

In general, tax of a non-resident company on all income other than income from a business source is collected by means of withholding tax. Under the law, withholding tax is payable within one month of crediting or paying the non-resident company.

Profit distribution

Tax on a company’s profits is a final tax and dividends paid, credited or distributed are tax exempt in the hands of shareholders.



Business losses can be set off against income from all sources in the current year. Any unutilised losses can be carried forward for a maximum period of 10 consecutive YAs to be utilised against income from any business source. Unutilised losses accumulated as at YA 2018 can be utilised for 10 consecutive YAs and any balance will be disregarded in YA 2029.

For a dormant company, the unutilised losses will be disregarded if there is a substantial change in shareholders. 

Group relief

Under the group relief provision, a company may surrender a maximum of 70% of its adjusted loss for a YA to one or more related companies for the first 3 consecutive YAs after having completed its first 12-month basis period from commencement of its operations. Conditions to be met by the claimant and surrendering companies include the following:

  • Resident and incorporated in Malaysia.
  • Paid-up capital of ordinary shares exceeding RM2.5 million at the beginning of the basis period.
  • Both companies have the same (12-month) accounting period.
  • Both companies are “related companies” as defined in the law, and must be “related” throughout the relevant basis period as well as the 12 months preceding that basis period.

Companies currently enjoying certain incentives such as pioneer status (PS), investment tax allowance (ITA), reinvestment allowance, etc. or which have unutilised ITA or unabsorbed pioneer losses upon the expiry of its ITA or PS incentives under the Promotion of Investments Act 1986, are not eligible for group relief.


Tax deductions

Generally, tax deduction is allowed for all outgoings and expenses wholly and exclusively incurred in the production of gross income.

Certain expenses are specifically disallowed, for example:

  • Domestic, private or capital expenditure.
  • Lease rentals for passenger cars exceeding RM50,000 or RM100,000 per car, the latter amount being applicable to vehicles costing RM150,000 or less which have not been used prior to the rental. For YA 2023 to YA 2025, deduction is given for rental of non-commercial electric vehicles. Refer to “Automotive” in the Tax Incentives chapter.
  • Employer’s contributions to unapproved pension, provident or saving schemes.
  • Employer’s contributions to approved schemes in excess of 19% of employee’s remuneration.
  • Non-approved donations.
  • 50% of entertainment expenses with certain exceptions.
  • Employee’s leave passages with certain exceptions.
  • Interest, royalty, contract payment, technical fee, rental of movable property, payment to a non-resident public entertainer or other payments made to non-residents which are subject to Malaysian withholding tax but where the withholding tax was not paid.
  • Payments made to a Labuan entity* – the percentage of non-deduction is 25% for interest and lease rental, and 97% for other payments.

*regardless of whether it meets the substantial activity requirements


Transfer pricing

1. Legislation

  • Malaysia’s transfer pricing (TP) legislation adopts the arm’s length principle espoused in the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines.
  • Under the Income Tax Act 1967 (ITA 1967), the DGIR is empowered to make adjustments on controlled transactions of goods, services or financial assistance based on the arm’s length principle or to disregard a structure which is commercially irrational.
  • The definition of ‘control’ is common shareholding of 20% of shareholding or more; and

    1. the operations of the affiliate depend on the proprietary rights of the shareholder of 20%, or its affiliate; or
    2. the shareholder / affiliate is able to influence decisions relating to the business activities of the company, including the receipt of services, and the pricing of the acquisition of such services; or
    3. one or more of the directors or members of the board of directors of a person are appointed by the shareholder / affiliate. 
  • The following rules and guidelines have been issued by the Inland Revenue Board (IRB):

    • Income Tax (Transfer Pricing) Rules 2023 (“TP Rules”)(w.e.f. YA2023);
    • Malaysian Transfer Pricing Guidelines 2012 (“TP Guidelines”)
    • Income Tax (Advance Pricing Arrangement) Rules 2012; and
    • Advance Pricing Arrangement Guidelines 2012 (“APA Guidelines”).
  • The arm’s length requirement is included in the Labuan Business Activity Tax Act 1990 (LBATA 1990). The same definition of control under the ITA 1967 (including the expanded definition which captures entities with common shareholding of 20% or more where certain additional conditions are met) is applied in LBATA 1990.

2.   Documentation requirements

  • Taxpayers with intercompany transactions are required to prepare TP documentation on a contemporaneous basis.
  • Documentation should be in place prior to the due date of filing the tax return and dated upon its completion. TP documentation needs to be submitted within 14 days of the tax authorities’ request.
  • The TP Rules set out prescriptive documentation requirements, supplemented by additional guidance under the Malaysian Guidelines. An index which references the items in the TP Rules is required.
  • Malaysian TP documentation comprises the following:

    • Multinational Enterprise (MNE) Group information - Broadly similar to the content of an OECD master file, but now forms part of the Malaysian TP documentation. Non-inclusion of this information in the TP documentation or submission at a later date will be considered as non-compliance. Provides an overview of the multinational group’s business, value drivers, intangibles, financing arrangements, and supply chain, specific to the supply chain in which the Malaysian taxpayer operates. This information is required only if the entity is part of an MNE Group i.e. the Group has entities (including permanent establishments (PE)) that operate in two or more different tax jurisdictions.
    • Local business information - Information on the local taxpayer’s business, including standard components of an OECD local file, and source documents / supporting documents referred to in preparing the TP analysis.
    • Cost contribution arrangements (CCA) - Prescriptive disclosure requirements for taxpayers with intragroup CCAs.

3.   Thresholds

  • There is no de minimis rule in Malaysian TP legislation.
  • The TP Guidelines allows taxpayers to opt to prepare limited documentation if they fall below the following thresholds*:
    • Gross income exceeding RM25 million, and total amount of related party transactions exceeding RM15 million.
    • For financial assistance, the threshold is RM50 million.

* Not applicable to PE

  • Companies that are not assessable to tax due to tax incentives or losses are encouraged to prepare documentation if their related party transactions exceed the thresholds outlined above.
  • The TP Guidelines need not apply to controlled transactions between companies who are both assessable and chargeable to tax in Malaysia, and where it can be proven that any adjustments made under the TP Guidelines will not alter the total tax payable by both companies.

4. Determination of the arm’s length range

  • Data for the same basis period as the year of assessment (YA) of the Malaysian taxpayer should be used for assessment of the arm’s length range. 
  • Malaysia has a defined arm’s length range, ranging from the 37.5 percentile to the 62.5 percentile.
  • The DGIR may make an adjustment to the midpoint of the arm’s length range if the results of the intercompany transaction fall outside the arm’s length range.

5. Penalties for non-compliance

  • Taxpayers are required to submit documentation within 14 days of the IRB’s request. The IRB treats failure to submit documentation within the timeframe as non-compliance with the contemporaneous requirement under the TP Rules. Refer to “Offences & penalties” in the Income Tax chapter.
  • A fine ranging from RM20,000 to RM100,000 per YA, or imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both, may apply to taxpayers who fail to furnish contemporaneous TP documentation. 
  • For audits which commenced prior to 1 January 2021, taxpayers without TP documentation could also be subject to up to 50% of penalties upon additional tax payable arising from TP adjustments.
  • Taxpayers not having comprehensive documentation will be subject to 30% of penalties on additional tax payable. This assessment is subjective.
  • A surcharge up to 5% of the TP adjustment made by the IRB would apply to TP adjustments made on audits which commenced on or after 1 January 2021. The surcharge and penalties are mutually exclusive.

Advance pricing arrangement (APA)

  • Taxpayers with cross border transactions may apply for an APA under the ITA 1967, subject to the following requirements:
    • the taxpayer is a company assessable and chargeable to tax under the ITA 1967 (also includes PEs);
    • has a turnover value exceeding RM100 million; and
    • the value of the proposed covered transaction is
      • for sales, exceeds 50% of turnover;
      • for purchases, exceeds 50% of total purchases; or
      • for other transactions, the total value exceeds RM25 million.
  • Where the counterparty of the transaction is from a country that has a double tax agreement with Malaysia, the taxpayer may only apply for a bilateral APA or multilateral APA. Unilateral APAs are applicable only for taxpayers that transact with a counterparty in a jurisdiction that does not have a double tax agreement with Malaysia.
  • All covered transactions must relate to income that is chargeable and not income which is exempted.
  • In cases involving financial assistance, a threshold of RM50 million applies.

Earnings stripping rules (ESR)

The ESR applies on interest expense (of more than RM500,000 in a basis period) in connection with or on any financial assistance granted in controlled transactions (as defined), whether directly or indirectly, to a person. The ESR guideline narrows the application of the prescribed rules to cross-border controlled transactions.

The prescribed rules specify that the maximum amount of interest deduction allowed is 20% of the Tax-EBITDA (Earnings Before Income Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation) from each of the sources of income consisting of a business. The interest expenses in excess of the maximum deduction allowed may be carried forward indefinitely to be deducted against future income. In the case of a company, the carry forward of the above-mentioned interest expenses would not be allowed if there is a substantial change in the company's shareholders.

Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR)

The Income Tax (Country-by-Country Reporting) Rules 2016 and Labuan Business Activity Tax (Country-by-Country Reporting) Regulations (collectively “CbC Rules”) require Malaysian multinational corporation (MNC) groups with total consolidated group revenues of RM3 billion and above in the financial year preceding the reporting financial year to prepare and submit CbC Reports to IRB no later than 12 months after the close of each financial year. 

Malaysian entities of foreign MNC groups will generally not be required to prepare and file CbC Reports as the obligation to file will be with the ultimate holding company in the jurisdiction it is tax resident in. However, the Malaysian entities of the foreign MNC group will have an obligation to inform / notify the IRB if it is the holding company or has been appointed as the surrogate holding company. If it is neither the holding company nor surrogate holding company, the Malaysian entities must notify the IRB of the identity and tax residence of the entity responsible for preparing the CbC Report.

Failure to comply with the CbC Rules may result in a fine of RM20,000 to RM100,000 or imprisonment of up to 6 months or both. In the case of Labuan entities, non-compliance with the CbC Rules may result in a fine of up to RM1 million or imprisonment of up to 2 years or both.

Global minimum tax (GMT)

Under an OECD Inclusive Framework, more than 140 jurisdictions agreed to enact a two-pillar solution to address the challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy. Pillar Two introduces a global minimum Effective Tax Rate (ETR) via a system where multinational groups with consolidated revenue over EUR 750 million are subject to a minimum ETR of 15% on income arising in low-tax jurisdictions.

The Government has announced in Budget 2024 that the GMT is expected to be implemented in 2025 and has released the draft legislation which will incorporate the provisions of the GloBE rules including the Qualified Domestic Top-up Tax (QDTT) rules into the Malaysian tax legislations, i.e. the ITA 1967, Petroleum (Income Tax) Act 1967 and LBATA 1990. The draft provisions closely aligns with the OECD Model Rules which includes:

  • The Multinational Top-up Tax under the Income Inclusion Rule and QDTT on in-scope MNEs commencing on or after 1 January 2025
  • A substance-based income exclusion amount for all top-up taxes
  • A minimum tax rate at 15%

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