Money and Me

quality education and reduced inequalities
This is our second year running Money and Me, a financial literacy programme in collaboration with The Edge Education Foundation (TEEF).

We ran eight workshops based on the theme ‘Save, Spend, Earn, Grow, and Give’ for 30 students at Methodist Girls School (MGS). The programme ran from March to July 2017, culminating in a two-day Boot Camp in August 2017.

This was then followed by a 'Sales Day' where students had to use their knowledge gained from the workshops and lessons learned in design thinking to innovate, produce and sell their merchandise of choice.

The girls from MGS won first place in a competition with eight other schools participating in the Money and Me programme and secured RM5,000.00 worth of funds from The Edge Education Foundation (TEEF) for their school.

In 2017, TEEF improved the programme in the second year by implementing a pre and post evaluation of the students’ understanding of financial literacy.

The average post-assessment score showed an improvement of 3% from the pre-assessment score of 57% for MGS Money and Me participants. The biggest improvement, 18% was recorded for the Earn segment which includes types of income and jobs. 

Overall, the MGS students had a higher pre-assessment financial literacy score than the average score of all Money and Me participants in the eight schools participating in 2017. 

money and me statistics
money and me statistics
Read about the next CR activity, click here: Planet

Contact us

Pauline Ho

Pauline Ho

Chief Operating Officer, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +(60) 3 2173 0946

Florence Tan

Florence Tan

Corporate Sustainability Director, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 (3) 2173 0334

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