In this issue:
Operational Guidelines GPHDN 2/2019 - Application for Tax Clearance Letter
The Inland Revenue Board (IRB) has issued the operational guidelines GPHDN 2/2019 - Application for tax clearance letter for company, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) and Labuan entity (“GPHDN 2/2019”), dated 12 November 2019. GPHDN 2/2019 replaces GPHDN 3/2016 - Application for tax clearance letter for company, LLP and Labuan entity dated 31 July 2016 (“GPHDN 3/2016”).
GPHDN 2/2019 is essentially similar to GPHDN 3/2016 but updated to incorporate the information or documentation required under the Companies Act 2016 for purposes of application for a tax clearance letter.
Public Ruling 5/2019 - Perquisites from employment
Public Ruling 5/2019 - Perquisites from employment (“PR 5/2019”) replaces the earlier Public Ruling 2/2013 on the same topic. The changes made in PR 5/2019 are essentially to bring the public ruling up to date with current legislation.
Public Ruling 6/2019 - Tax Treatment on Expenditure for Repairs and Renewals of Assets
Public Ruling 6/2019 - Tax Treatment on Expenditure for Repairs and Renewals of Assets outlines the tax treatment of expenditure incurred on the various types of repairs undertaken in the course of a taxpayer’s business.
Public Ruling 7/2019 - Taxation of Foreign Fund Management Company
Public Ruling 7/2019 - Taxation of Foreign Fund Management Company (“PR 7/2019”) supersedes Public Ruling 6/2014 - Taxation of Foreign Fund Management Company (“PR 6/2014”).
PR 7/2019 essentially updates PR 6/2014 to incorporate changes to the legislation since PR 6/2014 was issued.