To run PwC’s MFRS / IFRS e-learning portal and e-learning contents effectively you should, as a minumum, use the system components listed below. Workplace IT environments’ internal configurations can also restrict the functionality of the e-learning system and learning contents.
In case of 32-bit operating system 32-bit internet browser and Adobe Flash Player plug-in are required. For 64-bit operating system, browsers and Adobe Flash Player plug-in are required to be 64-bit version.
We recommend that the following be enabled:
We recommend that you use the latest version of Adobe Flash Player built in your internet browser. You can get the latest version here:
In order to read pdf files at least 6.0 version of Acrobat reader is required.
Some of the training materials are in SWF format, which are using photos (JPG, PNG), multimedia (MP4, MP3) and other descriptive (XML, XSD) files. Please make sure that your firewall and internet browser do not block to access such file formats.