360° Feedback

Why 360° feedback programs matter: sometimes a desire for self-improvement just isn't enough.

There's a reason that many organisations have adopted 360° feedback programs in recent years: measurement matters. And while employees frequently get informal encouragement or direction from their managers, it’s much rarer to see organisations with a culture that welcomes observations from peers and subordinates. But it's precisely this willingness to move beyond "blind spots" that creates organisations with truly effective leaders.

What defines an effective 360° feedback program? Practical administration and customisation.

Our 360° feedback programs give leaders and staff the guidance they need to become more effective at work and grow their careers. Multi-source observations are an important part of performance management and career development. We make it easy to gather insights from leaders, peers, and subordinates – and to turn them into a powerful developmental tool.

360° feedback programs give managers critical insight about their performance and identify their blind spots.

Because 360° feedback programs touch on sensitive topics, the way they are administered is especially important.

  • Our straightforward, 100% automated web-enabled system makes it easy to adapt the 360° feedback survey to fit your organisation’s needs. You can use one of our existing Executive, Manager, or Individual Contributor instruments, or you can create a customised assessment by drawing select competencies, proficiency levels, and behavioral items from our extensive database.
  • Reports can be tailored to your unique requirements, and both individual and roll-up reports are available across groups and levels. Reports can be summarised by competencies and performance metrics, and we also offer workshops and coaching to help participants get the most out of their results. To support all 360° participants in interpreting and acting on their results, we deliver a self-study Action Planning Guide along with every report.
  • To support HR staff, our powerful administrative interface makes it easy to organise and manage programs or cycles of 360’s. This is particularly important if you need multiple languages or are using several assessment instruments. Our tools will help you set the development agenda, roll-up reports, and summarise results — giving you the information you need to set priorities.

We provide information about leading practices, guidance throughout the planning and deployment process, and a range of post-assessment follow-up options. And for those who prefer a simpler program, we also offer self-assessment options. Our program is straightforward but flexible, resulting in an easy-to-use and powerful program.

Our 360° feedback programs are part of a bigger picture.

Find out more about PwC People Analytics.

Our 360° feedback programs complement other PwC talent programs — including talent assessments and competency modeling — by helping you understand and manage your organisation's individuals and their skills. This reflects our broader mission: helping our clients make fact-based human capital decisions. From surveys and benchmarking, to predictive services and people analytics strategy, we help our clients use data more effectively to create meaningful change for employees, teams, and entire organisations.

We would love to learn more about you—and learn how we might be able to help. Take the next step and schedule a meeting with us.

Contact us

Tze Young Teh

Director, Workforce Transformation, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +6012 253 9009

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