Big data governance and quality

There’s a reason so many people are talking about Big Data in HR.

First, "Big Data" is a bit of a misnomer. After all, you’ve always managed massive amounts of information, when you consider things like salary and benefits records, performance ratings, timesheets, resumes and job descriptions. The promise and the challenge of Big Data are in using structured and unstructured information to spot previously hidden patterns and to make better decisions. Organisations now have the potential to find insight in the most mundane places, if they can get their arms around what they already have. We can help.

Our Data Governance and Quality practice helps you cut through the jargon so you can get started.

Why is there suddenly so much discussion about Big Data in HR? Because until now, technical constraints limited our ability to see a bigger picture. Advances in the speed of information processing, the size and price of storage, and the intelligence of analytics software have now combined to make new analytical techniques possible. We can now make predictions, based on disparate data sets that can change the way we think about the workforce. But for this to happen, we have to find and get access to the raw data; put it into a usable form; use new techniques to analyse it; and display the results in a way that lets analytics stakeholders act on them. Needless to say, this is all easier said than done. We're changing that by helping organisations to jumpstart their HR Big Data initiatives.

Better control of your “Big Data” leads to better insights and action.

A typical HR system has more than 400 data elements about each employee, most of which are rarely used for any decision-making. We've developed a framework that can help you organise your thoughts around what you have, need, and want, so you can start a more productive discussion about any Big Data project. For example,

  • What is the focus of the big data solution?
  • Where does big data reside?
  • How will data be collected and stored?
  • How will it be transformed and analysed?
  • How will it be presented as meaningful analytics?
  • Who will consume it and what will they do with it?

By creating effective rules and governance processes around your data, you'll move from reporting to analysing, and from reacting to leading. That's big.

Our Big Data Governance and Quality services are part of a bigger picture.

Our Data Governance and Quality services complement other PwC people analytics programs by further showing you how to get the most out of what you already have. With the right rules and governance processes, you'll be able to anticipate rather than react. From surveys and benchmarking to predictive services and people analytics strategy, we help our clients make fact-based decisions about human capital, creating meaningful change for employees, teams, and entire organisations.

We would love to learn more about you—and learn how we might be able to help. Take the next step and schedule a meeting with us.

Contact us

Tze Young Teh

Director, Workforce Transformation, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +6012 253 9009

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