Competency assessments

Do you have the right people to do the work you need to get done?

Many organisations only have talent-related discussions during annual performance reviews, along with conversations about performance ratings, raises, and/or bonuses, if any. At best, these can be seen as "performance management:" processes for evaluating how an individual has performed against a set of annual performance goals. What’s missing is helping the enterprise identify resource gaps across the organisation and how to make decisions regarding training, recruiting, or contracting employees to supplement those gaps.

Building the right team is too important for a generic assessment program

Whether you build a customised assessment or choose from our library, we will help you determine the way to assess the skills of your prospects and existing employees.

Over the years, organisations change. The skills needed to perform in today's business environment are in some cases very different than those of only a few years ago. Talent assessments help you focus on the future. They’re a key tool for human resources professionals who need to evaluate whether a department or function has the long-term technical competencies and business capabilities needed to carry out its strategic plan.

We believe that talent assessments are not one-size-fits-all

The best tool depends on your organisation's unique circumstances. We can build you customised assessments with narrowly defined targets. Or, you can draw on our comprehensive assessment library, with a range of instruments that measure skills and abilities; behavioral and personality profiles; culture, job, and career fit; leadership; and performance against predefined indicators. We also offer structured interviews, realistic job previews, and simulations to improve your pre-hire screening process and help you predict the success of recruits and other potential hires.

As a leader in employee survey and testing, we've been helping organisations collect actionable information for decades. A well-administered assessment leads to more meaningful results, so we share leading practices and guidance throughout the planning and deployment process. And we build in demographic information, so you can see results in a broader context. Our talent assessments are sophisticated enough to help you identify key talent pools, assess talent gaps, and identify tangible improvement opportunities at various levels.

Our Talent Assessments are part of a bigger picture

Our talent assessments complement other PwC talent programs — such as competency modeling and 360° feedback — by helping you understand and manage your organisation's individuals and their skills. This reflects our broader mission: helping our clients make fact-based human capital decisions. From surveys and benchmarking, to predictive services and people analytics strategy, we help our clients use data more effectively to create meaningful change for employees, teams, and entire organisations.

We would love to learn more about you—and learn how we might be able to help. Take the next step and schedule a meeting with us.

Contact us

Tze Young Teh

Director, Workforce Transformation, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +6012 253 9009

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