Dashboards and strategic reports

Some say a picture is worth 1,000 words. So, a good dashboard must be worth many times more.

Your HR data, non-HR data, survey results, and benchmarking data, exist for giving you timely and meaningful insights that help you make better decisions. It's the same reason your car has colored icons and warning lights: to warn you in an instant of any immediate danger, or to guide you toward actions you should be taking. Good HR and business dashboards and strategic reports help executives visualise aspects of the business environment at a glance, so they'll be current on the metrics that matter most to them. We'll show you how to design and build dashboards and reports that convey real meaning to those who need it most.

We’ll show you how to create dashboards and strategic reports that executives will actually look forward to receiving.

Most business and HR leaders have a regular need for dashboards and strategic reports. The reality is that dashboard creation in most companies is a manually intensive process and lacks meaningful insights on metrics that matter. Dashboards and strategic reports are effective when they share accurate information in a timely and easily understood way. And, of course, they must be relevant to their target audience.

We will show you all about great dashboards and strategic reports – they don't just happen by accident.

Our Dashboard and Strategic Reports service helps aggregate the most important information and present it as effectively as possible. We start by finding a consensus on the metrics that matter and the visualisation technology that make the most sense for the defined purpose (leveraging an organisation’s investment in technology or leverage our investments in these technologies to produce the end result). We'll build a prototype that everyone can agree on. We'll define a repeatable process and give you access to data that makes execution of dashboards fast and efficient. If necessary, we can offer guidance on technology options. Finally, we'll help you adopt the dashboards in going from data to insights, assess user feedback, iterate as appropriate, with suggestions on the best way to use the results.

Static reports show you what happened. Dashboards and strategic reports let you engage senior leadership in a conversation about what will or could happen. You've got rich information about the current status of your people. With the right content and effective tools, you'll be able to make the strongest case for what needs to be done next.

Our Dashboards and Strategic Reports services are part of a bigger picture.

Our Dashboards and Strategic Reports services complement other PwC people analytics services and programs by crystalising the insights you're extracting from your HR and non-HR data. From surveys and benchmarking to predictive services and people analytics strategy and capability building, we help make fact-based decisions about human capital, creating meaningful change for employees, teams, and entire organisations.

We would love to learn more about you—and learn how we might be able to help. Take the next step and schedule a meeting with us.

Contact us

Tze Young Teh

Director, Workforce Transformation, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +6012 253 9009

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