Business case and RFP services

We believe in the value of analytics. And we can show you why.

Once you see the power of Workforce Analytics, it's likely only a matter of time until you’ll want to make it a standard practice. To be sure, a growing number of organisations are making Workforce Analytics a priority and a key HR function, on par with Learning & Development, Compensation & Benefits, and Employee Relations. But there are many steps between recognising the value of Workforce Analytics and turning it into a consistently funded business function. We’ve developed a framework that helps organisations make that leap.

Building a business case will help you understand the value and benefits of Workforce Analytics.

We’ve seen a gradual progression in the way organisations use workforce data. They begin with ad hoc metrics and reports, to understand what happened. Then they move to put this information in context, through surveying and benchmarking activity. Eventually, through predictive analytics, they transition from looking at why something happened to using data to predict what will happen next. At that point on the "Workforce Analytics Maturity Curve," most organisations decide that using analytical tools to drive HR decisions is a source of competitive advantage, and they make it part of their standard procedures. But how?

Someone had to decide to create a formal Recruiting team once, too.

Our Business Case and RFP program helps organisations with this transition. We've developed a structured process, using workshops and executive interviews, to define a Workforce Analytics business case. Using a business case framework helps management articulate its goals for a program, and understand the balance between cost and potential returns on varying levels of investment in people, process and technology. The completed analysis can:

  • Capture the opportunity cost of devoting resources and capital to a specific analytics initiative
  • Act as the basis for project funding
  • Capture both quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the proposed initiative
  • Define the expected business benefits, expected costs, and potential risks

Most organisations find this to be a very valuable exercise for reviewing the way they make HR decisions, whether or not they choose to proceed with a Workforce Analytics investment. For those that do choose to move ahead, we can show you how to structure an RFP based on business and technology requirements that matter and evaluate responses. We can help you think through your options on analytics vendors, visualisation tools, and we can help you create competency models for skills and functions required for an effective analytics organisation.

Our Business Case and RFP services are part of a bigger picture.

Our Business Case and RFP services complement other PwC workforce analytics services and programs by helping you move closer to having your own in-house analytics team. From surveys and benchmarking to predictive services and workforce analytics strategy, we help our clients make fact-based decisions about human capital, creating meaningful change for employees, teams, and entire organisations.

We would love to learn more about you—and learn how we might be able to help. Take the next step and schedule a meeting with us.

Contact us

Tze Young Teh

Director, Workforce Transformation, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +6012 253 9009

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