Workforce Capability

The right talent mix to drive value

The new possibilities presented by man-machine collaboration are almost endless and will transform the role of people at work. We will see a rebalancing of human capital as organisations adjust. By understanding the possibilities of automation, the changing ways organisations harness the potential of human skills, and the needs of the business in a changing global business landscape and throughout the employee lifecycle we can help organisations find, nurture and incentivise the right adaptable, innovative and skilled people they need for the digital age.

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Join Justin Sturrock as he discusses the changing workforce dynamics and how employers can best manage and optimise the workforce for success in the years ahead | Duration 1:45

Does your organisation have the right workforce to meet your immediate and emerging business challenges? Do you know what skills you will need for the future of your business? And do you understand how today’s complex global environment will impact where and how you deploy your talented people?

How we can help you

We help clients realise the potential of their people through an integrated approach in preparing the workforce of the future.

Strategic Workforce Planning

We work with you to connect the dots between your business strategy and how you align your people to deliver business goals, with the right people, and the right skills, in the right places, at the right time and at the right cost. Our scenario-based methodology ties the analysis of workforce gaps into talent strategy and planning, connecting recruitment, talent development, mobility and other talent processes to the workforce plan.

Digital Workforce Transformation

We help clients to build a digital workforce to stay ahead of the curve in response to current and incoming disruptions. These include identifying current technologies, services and ways of working that are or will be impacting your organisation over the next 18 months (disruption timeline), analysing your organisation to determine the right size and shape of the organisation, assessing the efficiency of the infrastructure required to hire, move and terminate people, and conducting a light culture audit to understand how the organisation adopts change.

Digital Fitness Assessment

We help you assess your organisation's digital fitness, opportunities to upskill your workforce, evaluate the current workforce’s strengths and opportunities and create collaborative engagement models to accelerate your digital capabilities using our PwC Digital Fitness Assessment app. The Digital Fitness engine and associated app is based on leading academic research from PwC’s Katzenbach Center – experts in organisational behaviour and culture change – combined with over a decade of researching digital leaders. Together with your unique assessment, we can work with you to develop strategies in managing your workforce and driving digital transformation.

For more information on PwC's Digital Fitness Assessment, click here.

Agile Workforce

Organisations need to adapt faster than ever in a world where the pace of change is influencing your competitive advantage. Workforce agility enables your organisation to cope with the speed of changing market conditions and capitalise on emerging business opportunities.

Agility is the ability of an organisation to rapidly adapt and steer itself in a new direction, through constant focus on your customer, short product delivery cycles with continuous feedback, and empowering people. We help you to transform your workforce from doing agile (e.g. working with tooling from the Scrum framework) to being agile (e.g. employees with an agile mindset in their DNA).

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