Leadership & Talent Management

Creating winning leaders and building resilient people strategies for the future of work

Businesses go through all sorts of changes during their lifetime, whether it’s a new CEO or management team, a merger or an acquisition, or implementation of a new strategy. Good leadership is essential during these times of transition, but also when it’s just business as usual. Leadership as an organisational capability is essential to driving business strategy, implementing change and cultivating innovation within the organisation. Underperforming leaders can negatively affect the quality of business decisions, decrease trust in a business and create low employee engagement.

A clear, measurable and executable people strategy is also quickly becoming a key differentiator in this fast paced digital age. The shift requires a rethink of leadership and people strategies to deliver on strategic intent. It also requires an improved alignment of internal capabilities and people infrastructure to achieve competitive advantage in facing the challenges of tomorrow.

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Join Bhusan Sethi, as he talks about preparing for the Future of Work. | Duration: 2:32

Is there a lack of clarity on the alignment of business objectives and HR priorities? Do you need to rethink your HR functional structures, capabilities and role designs to enable a shift in focus to more strategic, high-value activities? People expect HR operations to provide the same user‑friendly experience they have become accustomed to in other areas of their lives - is your organisation delivering? And do you need to optimise costs across the HR function?

Do your current people strategy and plans need rethinking and realignment to keep pace with your business strategies and business innovation? Do you understand the significant talent and skills challenges in your environment? And are you adapting to new ways of working with the right flexibility and agility?

How we can help you

Agility is key to addressing today's business needs and those of tomorrow. We help clients make the connection between their business strategy and both people activities and leadership initiatives needed to deliver it, through a framework that maps strategy into all aspects of the employee lifecycle.

People Strategy

We help you understand your organisation, people, culture and leadership. We break down business strategy to understand its implications on people and we use diagnostic tools to assess the current people and organisational landscape and required capabilities to identify value and constraints. From the organisational landscape, we co-create and implement your unique people strategy to account for the changing talent mix. We work with you on scenario planning to consider the impact of multiple and evolving visions of the future. We also help you create people analytics to measure real-time data and generate insights for continuous improvement.

Talent Acquisition

We work with clients to support all aspects of their talent acquisition strategies including recruitment function transformation and data analytics to better understand and predict recruitment/ talent acquisition needs, recruitment process outsourcing, and recruiting tactics such as gamification.

Competency Management

We help you build customised competency frameworks and assessments with defined targets. Or, you can draw on our comprehensive assessment library, with a range of instruments that measure skills and abilities; behavioural and personality profiles; culture, job, and career fit; leadership; and performance against predefined indicators. These assessments will help you understand and manage your organisation's talents and their skills better.

This reflects our broader mission: helping our clients make fact-based human capital decisions. From surveys and benchmarking, to predictive services and people analytics strategies, we help our clients use data more effectively to create meaningful change for employees, teams, and entire organisations.


Learning and Development

We have a dedicated team of L&D experts who have a wealth of experience in developing both the approach and content for learning curricula and in the selection of technology platforms and providers. We help clients think through innovative new solutions to developing workforce skills and behaviours – including applying lifelong learning concepts to overhaul traditional models and how to leverage cost-effective solutions such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) – and apply them to deliver business objectives by identifying and building targeted learning and development interventions.

Performance Management

We believe that robust performance management can offer benefits that are appealing to millennial workers and other stakeholders. These include career paths that offer a wide range of opportunities, differentiated reward and recognition outcomes, and a culture of high performance and real-time feedback.

Reward and Benefits

We help clients using our combined technical capabilities, market intelligence and analytics in addressing a broad range of emerging reward and benefits issues. We work with organisations to make their programmes more effective using our four-step approach. This includes comparing reward structures across merging organisations, qualifying the competitiveness of reward structures against labour market peers, surveying employee groups and developing incentive structures aligned to your competency model and career hierarchy.

Employee Engagement

We help clients drive business goals by creating an engaging and empowered workforce using our PwC Employee Engagement Model to measure levels of employee engagement and establish linkages to key performance drivers. The engagement tool is flexible and is designed in the context of the business strategy. It looks at what the organisation is trying to achieve and is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. These insights will enable us to co-design engagement programmes with you to create a differentiated work experience for employees.

For more information on Employee Engagement, click here.

Succession Planning

We help you define the leadership capabilities required to execute your business strategy. We analyse individual leaders’ skills and capabilities to determine leadership potential and development, and the right talent pipeline for your organisation.

Leadership Development

We help organisations understand what leadership means for their organisation by defining the core leadership model supported by tools and processes. We work with leadership teams to assess their needs, design, develop and deliver the learning experience, then evaluate to sustain learning.

Contact us

Debra Ovinis

Debra Ovinis

Partner, Workforce Transformation, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 (3) 2173 1188

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