“One in five Singapore workers say they are likely to switch to a new employer in the next 12 months”
Employee will stay in their current role if there is sense of fulfilment, but only 12% in Singapore (compared to 25% globally) strongly agree that their jobs are fulfilling (PwC’s Global Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey 2022). Hence, businesses must tailor their workforce strategy to the unique needs of their workers to continue retaining and recruiting top talent.
Workforce dynamics are constantly evolving. Beyond shifting employee sentiments, profound external factors such as the pandemic, inflation and fast-moving geopolitical and social crises have significant consequences on workers and hence, raise workforce strategy considerations.
This accelerated the need for digital HR transformation, forcing organisations to redefine their technology and people strategies. Thriving in this new normal mean organisations must build a workforce strategy that encompasses developing an optimal employee experience to nurture and cultivate a dynamic workforce that is nimble, adaptable and innovative to navigate the challenges of tomorrow.
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Does your organisation have the right workforce to meet your immediate and emerging business challenges? Do you know what skills you will need for the future of your business? And do you have an understanding of how today’s complex global environment will impact where and how you deploy your talented people? Is there an opportunity to look at how to embed ESG into your organisation to deliver on your business and Net Zero strategy?
Workforce strategy is how organisations plan and prepare their workforce to deliver on business strategy.
Evaluate your maturity, see how you compare against others and understand what actions you should take.
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