We were engaged to conduct a market assessment of the construction industry in Malaysia, to assess the growth prospects of Malaysia’s construction industry, focusing on the prospects of large-scale infrastructure projects
Our client, a foreign engineering company, was considering an investment into a Malaysian engineering consultancy
We were engaged to assess the growth potential and market outlook of Malaysia’s construction industry, with a focus on the infrastructure construction segment, as well as assessing the likelihood of large-scale infrastructure projects coming onboard.
Estimated the addressable market of the construction industry in Malaysia
Provided an overview of the key trends and developments that may shape the construction industry, and identified future opportunities
Evaluated and provided commentary on future large-scale infrastructure projects in Malaysia
Detailed market sizing model to estimate the total addressable market and growth potential of the construction industry in Malaysia, with a focus on the civil infrastructure segment
Identified key growth areas, industry trends and key risk areas within the civil infrastructure construction segment
Evaluated list of large-scale infrastructure projects in Malaysia and provided detailed views on the future prospects of these projects
Deals Partner Deals Strategy & Operations, and Healthcare Leader, PwC Malaysia
Tel: +60 (3) 2173 0551