Delivering Deal Value

Unlocking new ways to realise and protect deal value

We can help you understand the main business drivers and identify key areas of opportunity to deliver deal value from transactions quickly and efficiently. 

Doing deals is always challenging. The large majority of deals fail to achieve their intended financial or strategic objectives. Many companies are ill-prepared for the speed and intensity of the deal process. 

This challenging deal landscape makes the experience and expertise we can offer through all stages of the deal continuum all the more critical. 

How we can help you

Integration (M&A and internal reorganisation)

Achieving integration success - Integration (M&A and internal reorganisation)

Delivering deal value continues to be challenging, even in today’s dynamic deal environment. The most experienced deal makers say they know what to do, but success remains hard to come by and despite the best of intentions, integrations too often fall short of meeting expectations.

Here’s how we can help:
  • Focus on detailing the value to be delivered, maintaining strong control over scope and cost, and supporting people through the change. It’s important to us that the plans developed are owned by management and we work collaboratively to achieve this

  • Address the immediate concerns of the acquirer over the first 100 days of the acquisition and produce detailed action plans to deliver value from the deal

  • Project management to ensure that deal objectives are being met and progress is on track

  • Help you develop the business and synergy cases

  • Assess your readiness for integration or the success of past acquisitions

  • Verify the due diligence and provide the practical methods and tools

Divestiture and carve out

Maximising return from divestment - Divestiture and carve out

Whether divesting part of your business or targeting a disposal, a carve out process offers the opportunity to challenge and optimise the carve out entity's operating model.

Our flexible and rigorous carve out approach focuses on what really matters:

  1. Developing a fit for purpose, cost efficient, standalone operating model

  2. Preparing robust and executable separation plans to safeguard the core business

  3. Defining flexible transitional arrangements to ensure the business can operate from Day 1

If you’re planning to sell or purchase part of a business being carved out, here’s how we can help:

  • Divestment support – helping you prepare for sale

  • Advice to define the optimal Transitional Service Agreements (TSAs) and Long Term Arrangements (LTAs) required between the carve out entity and Vendor

  • Carve out due diligence – including Day 1 readiness and capability building to migrate off transitional support

  • Carve out planning and implementation – manage critical Day 1 risks/actions and standalone capabilities post TSA

  • Preparation of carve out financials

Operational due diligence

Seeing the bigger picture - Operational due diligence

Our team works with corporate and private equity clients to assess potential merger synergies, stand-alone performance improvement opportunities or key operational risks, on both the buy and sell side of M&A transactions. We can quickly provide you with invaluable insight and perspective on the operational risks and improvements which can be made to reduce cost and leverage value in both core operations and back office functions.

Our approach is issues-focused and is based on our industry knowledge and experience of supporting clients across all stages of the deal cycle.

We can help you:
  • Identify performance gaps and potential for rapid improvement, e.g. through cost reduction, operational restructuring and off-shoring

  • Provide an insight on key deal issues and opportunities - even if limited access/information is available

  • Assess carve-out issues and associated costs

  • Identify and challenge synergies

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Contact us

Victor Saw

Victor Saw

Deals Partner, Business Restructuring Services, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 (3) 2173 1677
