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Project description:
Sustainability risk assessment
The client, a leading conglomerate involved in plantations, automotive, energy & utilities, industrial, property development and healthcare industry sectors, wanted PwC to conduct a sustainability risk assessment to enable them to develop strategies and mitigation steps to address their key sustainability risks.
We identified and prioritised key sustainability risks at both group and divisional level, and were aided by a comparable analysis of sustainability risks faced by selected global companies.
We were able to pinpoint key priority areas that were not given adequate attention by the company. The overall assessment enabled the company to develop strategies and mitigations that address key sustainability risks.
Project description:
Development of a corporate responsibility strategy and governance framework
A leading Malaysian telecommunications company was tasked by their board to develop a corporate responsibility (CR) strategy and governance framework.
Our first step was to benchmark local and international companies to identify the material focus areas for the telecommunications industry as well as local needs. We then engaged the Senior Management and Board Members to obtain their input on our proposed CR framework, reporting improvement and roadmap. We also delivered an awareness session on sustainability and good reporting practices to the relevant personnel in the organisation.
The final report consists of key findings and a roadmap which indicates immediate and long term recommendations that can be used by the client to produce a sustainability pull-out section in their upcoming Annual Report.
Project description:
Environmental & Social (E&S) Risk Management Survey in the Asia-Pacific region
The client wanted a regional survey of financial institutions, regulators and supporting institutions to measure the effectiveness of the client's programmes to introduce E&S frameworks and management.
We conducted a regional survey of financial institutions, regulators and supporting institutions to measure the effectiveness of the client's programmes to introduce E&S frameworks and management. Across three countries in South East Asia, PwC undertook market research and then face-to-face interviews with organisations in the financial sector to understand the level of understanding and implementation of E&S issues.
Provided the client with an in-depth summary of the current status of E&S understanding and maturity in the region as well as making recommendations to improve engagement with the sector and proposed the role that the client could play in helping financial institutions to further adopt the uptake of more formal E&S principles and procedures. risk management procedures.
Project description:
Assessment and inventorisation of corporate responsibility initiatives
The client wanted an inventory of their CR initiatives for forestry operations and an assessment on the portfolio and management of the initiatives.
We inventoried the CR initiatives for the forestry operations and subsequently conducted an assessment on the portfolio and management of the initiatives. The work included site visits and engagement of local officials, indigenous tribes, employees, social philanthropists, and wildlife specialists. We refined and developed performance measures and templates for CR reporting to stakeholders. Subsequent to this, we continue to work with the client to assess key stakeholder expectations, the corporate strategy, nature of its operations and CR trends in order to define the company’s CR strategy and processes.
In the short term, we helped develop a CR framework to gather information on the costs and impact of their CR activities, in addition to developing process guidelines and measures to capture social and environmental performance. In the longer term, this serves as a base to evolve as employees become more comfortable with the CR management and reporting framework, in order to develop an industry leading CR strategy and optimise the CR portfolio for maximum impact.