Climate Change and Carbon Management

Gain a keen understanding of your business' greenhouse gas emissions across the entire value chain to enable strategic decision making in managing risks and seizing opportunities

Why is it important?

CEOs’ race against time is especially urgent when it comes to climate change. In PwC’s 26th Annual Global CEO Survey, about half of Malaysian respondents expect impact (moderate, large or very large impact) from climate change in the next 12 months—primarily in supply chains (51%), followed by their cost profiles (48%). 

To what extent do you expect the following areas of your business to be impacted by climate risk in the next 12 months?
Created with Highcharts 9.2.214%14%3%3%29%29%29%29%43%43%40%40%34%34%31%31%17%17%14%14%14%14%3%3%3%3%3%3%6%6%Not at allTo a limited extentTo a moderate extentTo a large extentTo a very large extentSupply chainCost profilePhysical assets

Source: PwC 26th Annual Global CEO Survey

How can we help you?


  • Establish / review your business’ GHG emissions baseline 

  • Establish the approach for emissions calculation based on selected international standards (e.g. GHG Protocol)

  • Recommend data collection and proxy methodologies for reliable representation and ongoing maintenance

Short, medium, and long term ambitions:

  • Set science-based targets to guide strategic decision-making and as interim checkpoints

  • Identify appropriate pathways to achieve Net Zero

  • Facilitate a just transition when progressing towards Net Zero

  • Develop Net Zero roadmap and complementary 5-year implementation plan to enable immediate actions

  • Enhance key enablers (e.g. governance structure, policies, key performance indicators) to support operationalisation

  • Integrate climate and Net Zero considerations across key corporate functions

  • Facilitate capability building to uplift general awareness and topical knowledge to support implementation

  • Provide support in submitting commitments / targets to the Science-based Targets Initiative (SBTi)

  • Conduct gap analysis against the recommendations of the Task-force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) 

  • Identify relevant climate risks and opportunities

  • Conduct materiality assessment against shortlisted climate risks and opportunities

  • Conducting scenario analysis to better understand the impacts of transition and physical risks 

  • Integrate climate risks and opportunities into existing enterprise risk management frameworks

Contact us

Andrew Chan

Andrew Chan

Partner, Asia Pacific Strategy & Transformation Leader, Sustainability & Climate Change, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 (3) 2173 0348

Redha Shukor

Redha Shukor

Partner, Sustainable Value Chains, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 (3) 2173 1832

Nik Shahrizal Sulaiman

Nik Shahrizal Sulaiman

Partner, ESG, Shariah and Internal Audit, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 (3) 2173 1726

Farhana Jabir

Farhana Jabir

Director, Risk Services and Sustainability & Climate Change, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 (3) 2173 0970

Jimmy Tee

Jimmy Tee

Director, Financial Services, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 (3) 2173 1423

Richard Baker

Richard Baker

Director, Sustainability and Climate Change, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 (3) 2173 0644

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