Corporate Services

Doing business in the new era

Regardless of industry and size, we are seeing increasingly stringent regulations and tighter controls imposed by regulators globally, with the most recent one being the Beneficial Ownership. And as technology becomes progressively embedded into the way we work, we are seeing more challenges and risks associated with virtual meetings, data storage and workflow management. 

But how are these being managed effectively? What does this mean for businesses, as their focus extends beyond compliance obligations to include corporate governance, sustainability and managing risks?

Board of directors now play a more critical role in legal entity management to optimise stakeholder expectations. Their expanding responsibilities may mean that you’ll need support in the set up of a business, managing transactions, providing board support, governance protocols and advisors to the board for effective entity management.


Corporate Services

We can help

From entity creation and management to dissolution, we offer a full range of services delivered by a team of experienced company secretaries and governance individuals, so that you can focus on strategic decisions with peace of mind.  Using our in-house digital platform, we’re able to integrate our services to support the full life cycle in entity management (including transactions, governance and compliance) for a better and smoother experience.

Our services include:

Setting up

We offer a full range of the following:

  • advisory services on the different types of establishment in Malaysia

  • incorporation of entities

  • registration of foreign companies/branches

  • application for representative/regional office


Corporate Services
Beneficial Ownership - Reporting Framework and Transitional Period

Regulators have joined hands globally, in embedding Beneficial Ownership (BO) reporting as part of mandatory regulations. With the introduction of BO in the Malaysian Companies Act 2016, have you ensured that your internal regulations govern such reporting? 

Putting in place a robust reporting and maintenance policy can help ensure compliance when the new regulation is enforced.

Corporate Services
Entity Health Checks

How comfortable are you with your entity’s statutory compliance under the Malaysian Companies Act 2016? Or acquiring a new business but unsure of its compliance status? We can help in conducting a due diligence on an entity’s record which summarises its compliance status from various risks perspectives and propose remedial actions where required. 

Under the Malaysian Companies Act 2016, hefty penalties with imprisonment provisions may be imposed by the Regulator on the Company and Officers for breach of compliance.

Corporate Services
Governing in the new norm

The pandemic has resulted in changes to governance practices, which amongst others include:

  • Directors’ risk and responsibilities

  • Remote board

  • Technology


Speak to us to find out more.

Contact us

Lee Shuk Yee

Lee Shuk Yee

Director, Workforce Management, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 (3) 2173 1626