Change management and communications

Delivering real, sustainable change

Organisations that put their people at the heart of change are measurably more likely to deliver successful outcomes.

Success in business can hinge on strategic agility and the ability to execute. Solid strategies, processes and technology alone may not deliver results. It takes people to accept, adopt, drive, and sustain the change that helps realise tangible impact. Getting the best from people at every level when there is constant change is one of the keys to sustainable competitive advantage.

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Transforming human capital through technology and strategic

PwC's Bhushan Sethi discusses HR, technology, change management and why alignment matters.

Bhushan Sethi, joint global leader for People and Organisation, PwC United States, talks about change management is essential when organisations are implementing new technology | Duration 3m23s 

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Is your organisation ready to tackle the intense challenge that business faces in today’s fast-digitising world? Can you articulate your vision for change and how your organisation will be different? And how will your people be impacted by the change?

How we can help

Your people are a key to unlocking your organisation’s unique value. We can help you with:

People centric change approach

We can work with you to deliver a strategic approach to change by understanding what’s driving the need for change, what needs to change and helping you identify a clear vision. We can collaborate with you to create a plan that enables your people to execute and embrace lasting transformation by empowering them to change their behaviour by focusing on the critical few things that drive successful results for you.

Change readiness assessment

Evaluating the level of risk and readiness of your organisation can be done at anytime through our assessments; they can be used as a baseline evaluation for an upcoming project, an audit for an ongoing programme or to assess the past history of change and why it may not have been successful.

Building your internal change capability

Our internal change methodology helps you build in-house change management teams and capability over time, using three models that can work with your organisation to different degrees - Centre of Excellence, Leveraged Talent and Project Based Change.

People communications

We can partner with you to embed the right people communications in the delivery model of your project, making the shift from transactional to inspirational communications. We can work with our Digital Experience team to help you define the right strategy and then translate complex, critical information into simple, user-friendly and thought-provoking imagery. These can be used to craft messages that attract attention, stimulate conversation and accelerate transformation.

Contact us

Debra Ovinis

Debra Ovinis

Partner, Workforce Transformation, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 (3) 2173 1188
