Risk, regulations and compliance

Redefining the value of regulation for fund management companies

A corporation that conduct business in the regulated activity of fund management in Singapore are required to either hold a capital markets services licence issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) as a Licensed Fund Management Company (“LFMC”) or Venture Capital Fund Manager (“VCFM”), or be registered under paragraph 5(1)(i) of the Second Schedule to the Securities and Futures (Licensing and Conduct of Business) Regulations as a Registered Fund Management Company (“RFMC”) (collectively known as “FMCs”). 

Such FMCs are subject to local regulatory requirements prescribed in the Securities and Futures Act (Cap. 289) (“SFA”), and all subsidiary legislation issued pursuant to the SFA (together with all codes, guidelines, notices and circulars issued by the MAS). The MAS expects FMCs to have in a place a compliance monitoring and risk management framework so as to satisfy all applicable local regulatory requirements.

From financial institutions seeking to conduct business in fund management, to existing fund management companies, our team provides a wide array of compliance support services to assist you in meeting your regulatory obligations.

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“Keep pace with the ever changing regulatory landscape to cope with the evolving fund management business”

Regulatory compliance

How can we help?

  • Have you laid down a concrete foundation?
  • Is your compliance function adequately prepared and equipped?
  • Are you informed of regulatory updates?
  • Do your staff receive adequate training?
  • Do you need a sounding board for questions on compliance?
  • Do you comply with the risk based capital framework?
  • Are you complying with the relevant laws and regulations?
  • Are you prepared for a regulatory inspection?

Risks and control

FMCs are required under the Securities and Futures (Licensing and Conduct of Business) Regulations 13(b)(iii) and (iv) to:

  • Identify, address and monitor the risks associated with the business activities of the holder;
  • ensure that its business activities are subject to adequate internal audit.

With ever increasing regulatory burdens and emergence of new risks, it has exposed FMCs to greater regulatory and business risks, forcing businesses to think about risks in new ways.

We understand the interconnections between the “lines of defense” and help you turn each function – internal audit, risk management and compliance – into strategic asset to drive business performance.

Our risk and controls practice helps you build effective internal audit and risk management functions and anticipate the risks and risk interdependencies that can threaten your business and impact your growth.

Turn your risks into competitive advantage by anticipating future challenges and acting ahead of threats.

How can we help?

  • Are your key risks identified?
  • Do you have robust internal controls?

“Risk management framework which is commensurate with the nature, scale and complexity of the assets under management”

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Contact us

Paul Pak

Paul Pak

Asset and Wealth Management Leader, PwC Singapore

Tel: +65 9622 4233
