Health Powered by Intelligent Automation
IA is the layering of automation and intelligent technologies that enable organisations to harness technologies to transform the way the work and the way they deliver their services.
Pharmaceutical and healthcare companies are among the most analysed and evaluated organisations in business today. In recent years, profitability has been lagging as many companies have been unable to sustain the robust growth that was once a hallmark of the industry. Thinning pipelines, growing generic competition, and skyrocketing operating and marketing costs are among some of the industry’s main concerns.
Pressure is also mounting on the healthcare industry which has been characterised by rising costs, global competition induced by medical tourism and telemedicine, a growing imbalance of supply and demand as well as increasing customer demands in the recent decade. Demand is driving the system and flipping the traditional paradigm in which many health systems attempted to control costs by controlling supply.
Our global network of pharmaceutical and healthcare industry professionals provide assurance, tax and business advisory services that are grounded in an unmatched understanding of the industry and the dynamics that drive it. We have made a deep commitment to understanding the forces that are impacting these sectors and developing and delivering solutions that help our clients’ achieve their financial, operational and strategic objectives. On every project, we use our unparalleled network of resources to provide powerful strategies that help you succeed in a competitive and changing marketplace.
IA is the layering of automation and intelligent technologies that enable organisations to harness technologies to transform the way the work and the way they deliver their services.
The year 2017 marked the 50th anniversary of ASEAN, (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations), which is a unique achievement considering the conflicts and poverty which characterised the region in the first half of the 20th century. Since the inception of the ASEAN 5 (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and...
In a recent conversation with Minister of Health, Gan Kim Yong, our discussion included talking about the various stakeholders in Singapore who play vital roles in improving health across Singapore. Minister Gan was absolutely right in pointing out that one of the key stakeholders are employers and that it is...
The last few years have seen an explosion of technology along with an increasing convergence of the Healthcare, Medical Devices, HealthTech, Pharma and Digital realms. It is imperative that in the midst of this, we keep the patients and their problems at the heart of it all. To effectively do so, understanding...
Last year in collaboration with Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association (APACMed) and A*STAR, PwC were supporting partners for the first APACMed MedTech & Digital Health workshop. This one-day workshop offered a unique opportunity to explore global and regional trends in Digital Health, as well as engage in...
Healthcare demand in emerging markets is growing, driven by a number of factors such as a growing population as well as an ageing population. With the growing middle class and rising incomes, people are spending more on healthcare. Noncommunicable diseases such as diabetes are no longer ‘rich country’ diseases and...