Kor Bing Keong

Kor Bing Keong

Partner and Goods and Services Tax Leader, PwC Singapore

Kor Bing Keong is a Tax Partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers Singapore Pte. Ltd. (PwC). Bing Keong has over 25 years of experience specialising in Goods and Services Tax (GST) (equivalent of Value Added Tax). His GST experience covers a wide spectrum of work including: ​

  • offering GST advice on diverse issues and industries. He has also successfully assisted clients in appealing to the authorities for changes to the GST rules and legislation​
  • assisting clients with dispute resolution with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS)​
  • conducting GST reviews (e.g. Assisted Self-Help Kit and Assisted Compliance Assurance Program)​
  • acting as a GST expert witness in arbitration​
  • conducting GST training.

Bing Keong was heavily involved in the implementation of GST in Singapore and Malaysia. He was one of the pioneer members of the GST team at the IRAS.​

Bing Keong regularly speaks on indirect tax matters at public forums. He was also a lead examiner for the advanced GST course offered by the Tax Academy. Bing Keong was appointed by the World Bank as a short-term Tax Consultant on a Value Added Tax (equivalent to GST) project and contributed articles on GST to The Business Times.​

Bing Keong is an Accredited Tax Advisor (GST) with the Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals (SCTP). He holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration (Business Law) from Nanyang Technological University where he was placed on the Dean’s Honours List and was awarded a gold medal by the Singapore Association of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators.

Contact details

Tel: +65 9112 6982


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