Noel is the Workforce Practice Leader for PwC Singapore. Previously he was the People & Organisation Leader across Mainland China and Hong Kong. Noel is an analyst, practice and thought leader that has over 28 years of Human Capital Consulting experience where he held senior global and regional leadership positions in various organisations like Willis Towers Watson, Aon Hewitt, The Gallup Organisation, Mercer and his own consulting practice. He has worked with various client organisations across the private, public and people sectors on issues regarding their talent, workforce and workplace, and how to build organisations that are future ready.
He enjoys working with Senior Leaders to empower them in their journey to be purpose driven servant leaders who create sustainable and innovative discretionary performance. His approach is research and data-driven, and provides a methodology of applied positive transformational mindset and behaviour change that embeds agility, resilience and adaptation into an organisation’sDNA. He has been invited to speak at both global & regional conferences & have held various senior management & consultancy positions across the private, public & people sectors. Besides public audiences, he enjoys inspiring and working with senior global executives of Fortune 500 Companies.
Currently, he is working with Senior Corporate Leaders in the analytics (interpreting data into insights), diagnostics (determining what’s systematically wrong), design and implementation of human capital solutions; notably board and executive reward frameworks, long and short-term incentive plans (equity and cash based), sales force effectiveness, organisational development, career-job-skills architecture, and the shifting and shaping of culture –in other words, attraction-motivation-retention-productivity strategies & its sequential and systematic execution.His professional experience covers:
He has also judged for various Leadership, Business and Organisational Excellence Awards, CIO and MIS Awards, the Singapore Lifelong Learner Awards and Singapore Human Resource Institute’s HR Awards & am a ICF Professional Certified Coach and a Strengths Coach.
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