PwC’s South East Asia Infrastructure Initiative

Harnessing outbound investments from China, Japan, South Korea and Australia into South East Asia’s infrastructure projects

Reducing SEA’s Infrastructure Gap

The significant demand for infrastructure spending in the South East Asia region is matched with China’s expanded outbound investment activities through its Belt and Road Initiative, and its formation of the multilateral lender Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Japan is also capitalising on the region’s growth opportunities with its establishment of the Japan Infrastructure Fund. South Korea investors continue to be actively engaged in the region, while Australia is furthering its economic integration with ASEAN.

How can PwC help?

PwC offers an integrated, coordinated approach in generating solutions to realise these infrastructure investments by pulling together resources and expertise across our network firms.

Our primary goal is to effectively connect the region’s numerous infrastructure opportunities to investors in China, Japan, South Korea and Australia. To facilitate this, we have a dedicated core team of professionals working closely with our network’s local Capital Projects & Infrastructure (CP&I) teams to develop a deep understanding of in-country and sector master plans, as well as cultivate strong working relationships with government ministries.

We are also working closely with our network firms - PwC China, PwC Japan, Samil PwC and PwC Australia - to provide effective solutions to global investors seeking sources of growth in South East Asia, including identifying unique opportunities and key partners in the region.

Our team

Our core team (“SEAI Team”) of South East Asia Infrastructure professionals includes various sector specialists with broad project experience and in-depth market knowledge, and are based around the region. We also have in-country Directors who cover their respective markets, gathering market intelligence and building strong local relationships.

Through this initiative, PwC provides a platform for investors to have a head-start in South East Asia’s infrastructure opportunities, opens more avenues for the region’s governments to attract inbound foreign investments, and delivers streamlined advisory services to our clients.

Singapore Team   Indonesia Team

Malaysia Team   Myanmar Team

Philippines Team   Thailand Team




News around the region


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Contact us

Jennifer Tay

Jennifer Tay

Partner, PwC Singapore

Tel: +65 8876 9300

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